This repository corresponds to a series of open source code developed in python and c++ for systems based on ROS2 and other platforms for the project Submarine belong to ROBOCOL Uniandes. Each package will have its execution requirements or possible libraries necessary for the construction and execution of these.
To run most scripts you need to have them in a ROS workspace,downloading the respective package.
Python 3.8
Ubuntu 22.04
ROS2 Humble
VS code with PlatfomIO extension 1.8 higher
Download links
Recommend to use a Code Editor
_Be sure that you have install those pkgs
sudo pip install ds4drv
sudo pip install opencv-python
The first step is to clone the repository to a folder of your choice.
Look for the folder that you want to beand in the terminal
Second, enter to the folder
cd /folderle_of_preference
Third, copy this file with the next command (case package)
cp avr /source_folder(package) /destination_folder(workspace_ws/src)
Enter to your workspace
colcon build
You may not have all the necessary libraries and packages, you can download a package manager like pip to the python libraries (pynput, pytteseract, rosserial, cv2, cvbridge, threading, etc.) or sudo apt-get install ros_distribution-package-ersion
sudo pip install ds4drv
- Open STMCubeIDE editor
- Open the file as a new project on workspace
- Adjust the STM32HardwareFile for your board.
- Upload the project.
- run the rosserial_python, and the subcribers/publisher are going to with STM.
This project is under the Public License - mira el archivo for more details.