Python script to dump sprites and extract Waltex textures from the Where's My Water? series of games.
WMW-Extractor needs Pillow, Numpy, lxml, opencv-python and colorama to be installed. If you do not already have these libraries installed, you can use the below command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
- Select function to use
- If converting/extracting all files place them inside the "in" directory (is created when is executed)
- Files are dumped in the respective out folders which are placed in the same directory as
- Waltex files are converted into pngs prior to sprite cutting. The extracted pngs as whole textures are dumped in the out-waltex folder.
- WMW2 has some large texture atlases which are split into multiple texture files but only have one imagelist file. The script should select the correct list of sprites to use given the texture otherwise you are prompted as to which split you are using.
- A big thanks to campbellsonic and ego-lay-atman-bay for doing the hard working and creating a script that processes waltex files.
- Thanks to LolHacksRule for their noesis script that reads important bytes of waltex files and the "width hack".