Python script to convert waltex files to png files from the Where's My Water? series of games.
Waltex-Extractor is now archived as it has been made redundant by WMW-Extractor.
Waltex-Extractor needs Pillow and Numpy installed. If you do not already have these libraries installed, you can use the below command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run and select .waltex file to convert.
- Extracted waltex is dumped in a folder called "out" which is created in the same directory as the script.
- A big thanks to campbellsonic and ego-lay-atman-bay for doing the hard working and creating a script that processes waltex files.
- Thanks to LolHacksRule for their noesis script that reads important bytes of waltex files and the "width hack".