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New user guide
Eventually this document aims to guide New Users through any caveats and common issues with getting the application set up the first time.
For now it's mostly going to document the various caveats and issues you might encounter. See also Troubleshooting.
The very first thing you should so is ensure you have logged into the game fully, including having chosen Commander name and entered the game world (not the tutorial).
If you're a completely new player this will entail playing through the initial tutorial until you've jumped to another system and docked. It is at this point that you're awarded your Pilot's License and are prompted to choose a Commander name (and a few other things).
Until you have fully logged into the game, including having chosen a name for your Commander, you will not be able to access all of the settings for this application. This notably includes:
- EDSM "Commander Name" and "API Key".
- Inara "API Key".
NB: Moving/Deleting all your Journal files will make this application think you've never logged in. It uses the latest Journal file to determine the Commander name to use.
So, if in doubt, run Elite Dangerous (with or without Horizons or any other expansion) and log all the way in (i.e. select 'Open Play', 'Private Group', or 'Solo' mode and end up in space, docked at a station, or on a planet/moon surface).
Once this application knows your Commander name it will prompt you to authorize it to use the Frontier CAPI service by opening a web browser window/tab. This will use your system's default web browser.
There are two stages to Approving this Application on the Frontier site.
- Login on the site, using the correct email address and password for the Cmdr name shown in the Application window.
- If prompted, press the 'Approve' button to add this Application to the Approved list for your account.
If you had previously Approved the Application on the Frontier auth site then after pressing the 'Login' button in step 1 this Application should show 'Authentication Successful', and you are finished.
If you had not previously Approved this Application (or had removed it from the Approved list) then after pressing 'Login' you will go to the second screen to Approve the Application. After pressing the 'Approve' button the Application will show 'Authentication Successful', and you are finished.
There is a known bug where the browser tab/window for this might open twice. Just ignore the first tab/window and use the second. See Issue #583.
We have also had reports of the application acting weirdly during the Frontier Authorization flow. Please report an issue if you experience any weirdness with this! In particularly we'll need to know your default web browser, any anti-virus of software firewalls installed and active on your system and the contents of your Log File immediately after experiencing the issue.
Once the Application shows 'Authentication Successful' the web browser tab will not change further. Just close it once you've confirmed it worked as below.
Press the 'Update' button in the Application. You should see this application's window update to show:
- Your Commander name.
- The name of your Ship.
- The name of the (star) System you're currently in.
- The name of the Station you're currently docked at, if applicable.
If you wish to make use of Elite Dangerous Star Map then first create an account there, then you can now (once Commander name is known) access the relevant settings on the 'EDSM' tab of this application's Settings.
Note that you can click on the "Elite Dangerous Star Map credentials" text to open a browser tab/window on the EDSM page that tells you your API key.
As of EDMarketConnector 5.6.0 and Update 14 of the game only the 'Live' galaxy is supported by Inara. Thus, if you are playing only in the 'Legacy' galaxy you should just disable the Inara plugin's "Send flight log and Cmdr status to Inara' option.
If you wish to make use of Inara.cz then first create an account there, then you can now (once Commander name is known) access the relevant settings on the 'Inara' tab of this application's Settings.
NB: There might still be a small bug where if you close this application's Settings without an Inara API key set, but with "Send flight log and Cmdr status to Inara" active (which is the default), you'll see an error about a bad API key from Inara. Either set up the Inara API key, or uncheck the option to prevent this. See Issue #580.
Note that you can click on the "Inara credentials" text to open a browser tab/window on the Inara page that tells you your API key. Hit "Generate New Key" there if it's still blank.
You might see an error in this applications status bar:
Error: Inara setCommanderReputationMajorFaction, No reputation value provided.
this is harmless and can be ignore. It should go away once you start gaining reputation with the Empire and Federation in-game. See Issue #581.