- 2017-03-6 21:00, Yu-jian Kang
Here is a temporary package of CPC2. This package has been completely ported to Python3 and necessitates the C/C++ toolchain for being installed properly.
- Pre-requisite:
a. Biopython package: a local version could be downloaded from http://biopython.org/wiki/Download
b. GCC toolchain. On e.g. Ubuntu, do sudo apt install build-essential
- Install
python setup.py bdist_wheel && pip install dist/*whl
will suffice.
- Run the predict
$ CPC2 -i (input_seq) -o (result_in_table)
example: $ CPC2 -i data/example.fa -o example_output
- Output result
Result in table format (delimited by tab): #ID peptide_length Fickett_score isoelectric_point ORF_integrity coding_probability coding_label
See the website for tutorial and more details. (http://cpc2.cbi.pku.edu.cn)
This is a beta version of CPC2, if have any questions please report to us.
Contact: [email protected]