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Build from source

bbrauzzi edited this page Oct 8, 2021 · 1 revision

The ADES software source present in this repository is built using docker images to complete properly the integration of the different software components.

This guide will guide you through a step by step procedure to build a local image of the ADES to start it up and having it running locally. In order to build a container image and run it, we use Docker.

The repository include a script to built the software from source.

  1. Get into Linux terminal

  2. Clone the repository

    git clone
  3. Change local directory

    cd proc-ades
  4. Build application


Basically, the last step will pull from the EOEPCA docker hub repository an image to start a container with all the tools to build another docker image with the ADES ready to run. At the end, the script shall have created a Docker images:


the image proc-ades:build is the built ADES.