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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev

"The Way of Fire"

14 Jan 19:24
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✢ Additions:
- Removed the holiday spirit.
- A new achievement has been added for Kiria.
- Capital ships, floating harbours and railway guns can now use up to 10 factories instead of 5.
- Added an image for Canterlot's state lore under Changeling occupation.
- Harsh penalties have been added if a state's resistance value crosses 90%.
- Added a game rule to help the AI with production lines (disabled by default).
- Added a game rule for Sheriff's Adelart.
- Added game rules for Griffonian Frontier.
- Adelart's Théodule Hobble has received a portrait.

✢ Changes:
- The generic capitulation event image has reworked.
- AI now receives a production bonus on higher difficulties.
- On non-historical, conflict is more likely to break out between Changelings and Polar Bears.
- Kirian civil war focus tree is now visible from the beginning.
- The decision to form the Olenian Protectorate no longer requires compliance.
- Francistria now has bypasses for foci regarding Tarrin if it's already cored.
- Tarrinian refugee crisis now lasts 90 days instead of 180.
- Prywhen and Brodfeld no longer lose cores when puppeted by another ideology.
- Northern Tribes now start as a primitive society.
- Swapped north and south expansion focuses in Prywhen's expansion path.
- Removed a blocker for Asstyria's wargoal focus.
- Wingbardy's Gario Gerti has received an updated portrait.
- Improved communist flags for Mazwi, Timbucktu and Aoranda.
- Added a new VP in Maregypt and changed a state's shape.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with balance of power which prevented a Kirian path from working properly.
- Fixed missing generic horse advisor icons.
- Fixed puppeted New Mareland having the wrong focus tree.
- Corrected several issues with Disciples of the Night's advisors.
- Colthage will no longer ally Chiropterra if Hippogriffia does not have control over Zumidia.
- Fixed a problem with Flowena's special Pomovarra puppet after Flowena is puppeted.
- Fixed availability issues with several advisors for Polar Bears.
- Several special Avian puppets now correctly receive cores.
- Various issues with multiple MIOs have been fixed.
- Corrected a erroneous armoured car equipment type for a Kirian MIO.
- Sanity checks implemented for Gryphian harmonist path.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 4704

"The Way of Fire"

18 Dec 01:24
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✢ Additions:
- Readded the holiday spirit.
- Realm of Kiria's Great Gallop Onwards now has a progress bar.
- The Council of North Kiria can now purchase their independence from Kiria.
- The Guide's Journal now has notes for concoction clues.
- Improved the peace conference summary UI.
- AI can now construct and field late game mechanised templates.
- Added presets for planes.
- Added a new general for Polar Bears, an admiral for Las Pegasus, and an advisor for Kasa.
- Added a flag for the Canterlot Commissariat.

✢ Changes:
- Implemented changes from the latest HOI4 patch.
- Changeling Fragrance no longer starts as a puppet to Changeling Lands.
- Improved focus timings for the starting Realm of Kiria focus tree.
- The Hundred Days Campaigns for Republic of Kiria have been buffed.
- 1007 Naval Batteries now require tech Artillery I.
- Stormlands' starting leaders now lead their armies as field marshals.
- Nations with generic content can now hire Backroom Backstabber advisors.
- The Realm of Kiria can no longer gain over 5 research slots.
- Fascist coup in Francistria now results in white peace with fascist Wingbardy, if at war.
- Removed Star Father's alchemy ambience music.
- Harmonic Colthage adds Zumidia to their faction after the referendum.
- Rebalanced starting units and factories for Asstyria, Aestlonia, Karkadannistan and Anseruk.
- Tobuck's Alesia Snezhnaya has received an updated portrait.
- Increased rubber supply in North Zebrica.
- Replaced a rubber deposit in Gryphus with a steel deposit.
- Katerin's Herzland flags have been updated.
- Communist Gryphus' flag has been reworked.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed issues with the decision to form Hindia.
- Vasile cel Tradat is now instantly hired as an advisor in Zarantia.
- Fixed an issue with Sunrise Sparkle and the Solar Province.
- Corrected a problem with puppet Colthage not changing focus trees.
- Fixed Colthage's state modifiers not being removed when they should be.
- Actually fixed the issue with kirin Vanguards' hardness stat.
- Fixed a possible issue when puppeting Wittenland.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 2bed

"The Way of Fire"

06 Nov 02:07
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✢ Additions:
- Added presets for tanks.
- Traditionalist Kiria can trigger the New Standard Army Mutiny by letting the balance of power tip too far in favour of the state.
- Added a new general for Lunar New Mareland, Posadist Hippogriffia, Gerza's Colthage and Maretania.

✢ Changes:
- Rebalanced the New Standard Army Mutiny.
- Implemented changes from the latest HOI4 patch.
- Further buffs for AI Kiria.
- The Rozenkampism subideology has been renamed to Ethno-Socialism.
- Reworked portrait for Communist Gryphus' Revolutionary Coalition.

✢ Fixes:
- Hopefully fixed a problem where Skyfall events would trigger for every nation.
- Fixed Equestria not producing modern tanks.
- Fixed an issue where kirin vanguards would retain a high amount of hardness from the special forces tree.
- Corrected an issue with spawning chances for female generic commanders.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: ed6a

"The Way of Fire"

27 Oct 02:05
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✢ Additions:
- Realm of Kiria now has additional foreign policy options for their late game content.
- Various Kiria paths can now form their own factions.
- On-map decisions for Fickle Current's Kiria are now toggleable.
- New MIOs have been added for Lake City, and several issues with existing ones have been corrected.
- Sambar, Doelhi and Barasingha now have the option to form Hindia.
- Puerto Caballo can now core the Summer Islands.
- Added a new general for New Mareland, Kasa Free State, Aquileia, Our Town, and the Equestrian Liberation Front.
- Added generic admirals portraits for the Griffonian Republic.
- Added three new custom division icons.
- Asstyria now has a focus to generate a wargoal against Anseruk.

✢ Changes:
- Nerfed Zaikiria to give Kiria a better fighting chance.
- Added logic for AI Kiria to modernise better.
- AI Stalliongrad and Changeling Lands should build more civilian factories before 1009.
- Adjusted the values of many victory points, as well as state categories.
- Hindian unification events are now global.
- Austurland's Ulfdis Aresdottir has received an updated portrait.
- Rebalanced starting units and factories for Asstyria and Anseruk.
- New background artwork for artillery tech tree.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the Kirian Fragrant Flottila would not spawn.
- Archon Erion XII is now available as an advisor for Aquileia under correct circumstances as intended.
- Corrected a late game airframe having an absurdly large range value.
- Angriver's Black Claw focus tree no longer loads as the default one.
- Crystal Empire's communist path will no longer occur on their historical route.
- Corrected an availability issue with Greneclyf's diplomatic options.
- Hippogriffia now retains their puppets if they join Equestria's faction.
- Corrected various unit templates in line with AAT changes.
- Tweaked and fixed many issues with MIOs and equipment.
- An issue with custom division icons has been fixed.
- Various missing icons have been added.
- Optimized targeted decisions, improving performance.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 1e77

"The Way of Fire" 2.2.1

10 Oct 15:01
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✢ Additions:
- Full compatibility ensured with Arms Against Tyranny.
- Added female generic griffon Republican general portraits.
- Added a new cosmetic tag for the Titanic Realm, and the ability for them to research Jagers.
- New victory points and supply hubs have been added in the hillpony region.
- Added heavy anti-air and close support gun tank modules.
- Implemented a decision to commandeer civilian trucks.
- Added options to strengthen Roam, Talonsvaal and Lan Kir.
- The Realm of Kiria can now intervene against expansionist Roam, Talonsvaal and Lan Kir.
- The Republic of Kiria can now gain war goals against their western neighbours.

✢ Changes:
- The land doctrine GUI has been reorganised.
- Improved the custom event background.
- Replaced the background image for the Kirian technology tree.
- Placeholder wars from Roam, Talonsvaal and Lan Kir now notify the player of their intentions.
- Replaced Pharynx's Armour Officer trait with Veteran Jager trait.
- Scientific Astrology now also provides better protection against resistance activities.
- Super-heavy turrets no longer have a reliability reduction and a production cost increase.
- Increased Rocket Engine thrust to pre-AAT levels and increased their speed as well.
- Increased Engineer Company entrenchment to pre-AAT levels.
- Increased Signal Company initiative to pre-AAT level.
- Great War Truck's hardness has been reduced.
- SPAA will now receive buffs from small AA technologies.
- Consumer Goods modifiers have been rebalanced.
- Pioneer and Engineer companies' mutual exclusivity has been removed.
- Talarayi's flag has been reworked.

✢ Fixes:
- Corrected AI weight for Wingbardy which could result in them not invading Francistria, Talouse and Arantiga.
- AI should be more willing to take islands in peace deals even if they don't neighbour them.
- Implemented a proper AI template for marines.
- Changeling Fragrance's political screen should no longer break upon reloading a save.
- Fixed an issue where Changeling Fragrance could produce too many infiltrators on a weekly basis.
- Corrected an issue where several characters could be active in both Changeling Lands and Free Changeling Hives.
- Fixed magical medium/heavy cannon tank modules being available on light tanks.
- Fixed an issue where Sicameon would not get a designer despite saying otherwise.
- Corrected an issue where Kirian pirate raid events didn't trigger properly.
- Various minor issues with Kirian content have been corrected.
- Corrected many issues with starting naval and aircraft forces.
- Fixed the joint focus tree in the River Federation.
- Puppeting the Dread League as Viira will now remove all of their ideas.
- Tobuck's decisions for white peace now work properly.
- An issue with Zarantia's Tatzelwurm state modifier has been fixed.
- Fixed ELF's Manehattan liberation news event never firing.
- Corrected issues with various strategy plans.
- Starting production lines have been made matching regardless of DLC ownership.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: d99d

"The Way of Fire"

30 Sep 22:20
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✢ Additions:
- New loading screen.
- Replaced the vanilla event background with a custom one.
- Added two new starting generals for Kiria.
- There are now game rules to strengthen Kirian tags.
- There is now a game setup rule for the Kirian Civil War.
- Revolutionary Fragrance has been given new decisions for raising militias, spreading the revolution southward, and reconciliation with the Nirik Contumancy.
- Added railways in the Zaikirian region.
✢ Changes:
- The new content interface has been moved from the main menu to the continental selection screen.
- AI Equestria can now remove its negative army spirits.
- Zaikirian minors now start with higher societal and scientific development, as well as more starting technologies.
- Significantly nerfed Kiria's Mayflower Bloom.
- Rebalanced the Kirian civil war.
- Scientific Astrology now protects better against bad luck.
- Several Kirian events will now only trigger once, preventing unintended interactions.
- Proper Heritage now makes Vanguards free to design.
- Slightly sped up placeholder wars between Roam and Lan Kir.
- Roam and Talonsvaal can no longer core Kiria.
- Roam, Talonsvaal, and Lan Kir will now always refuse to disarm when demanded by Kiria, and will no longer declare war on the International City of Fragrance.
- Harmonic and communist regimes will now dislike nations with Slave Economy.
- Polar Shamans technology will now buff recon companies instead of field hospitals.
✢ Fixes:
- Corrected dragon generics not having their GFX defined.
- Aquileia can now properly demand Tarrin from Adelart, if they control it.
- Fixed an issue with tank research bonuses in Kirian focus tree.
- Fixed Pingland's starting cruiser design having incorrect modules.
- Kirian state GUIs will no longer briefly appear for a second after selecting a state.
- Kiria can no longer purchase equipment from Equestria if it doesn't exist.
- AI opponents in the Kirian civil war will no longer receive hidden bonuses against a player.
- Removed a corporatist Kiria exploit to lower puppet autonomy far quicker than intended.
- Added a decision for Colthage to cancel trade deals.
- Reverted some strait and impassable changes.
- Various issues with Kirian content have been corrected.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 5037

"The Way of Fire" 2.2

26 Sep 03:32
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✢ New focus trees and content for:
- Realm of Kiria
- Council of North Kiria (Not playable at game start)
- Republic of Kiria (Not playable at game start)
- Free Territory of Adelart (Sheriff path)
✢ Additions:
- New loading screen.
- New main menu theme.
- Added five new awards for Kirian content.
- The pony technology tree has received new earth pony technologies, with some changes to existing techs.
- Added a new general for the Arcturian Order, the Zuid-Zebrikaansche Vrystaat, the Duchy of Rila, and Abyssinia.
- Added generic griffon Republican general portraits.
- New GFX has been added for late game landing craft, naval mines, degaussing and air mines.
- Added magic cannon modules for tanks.
- Placeholder wars have been implemented for the Zaikirian region.
- Chromium is now more abundant in southern Zebrica.
- Added a decision to declare war on the Everfree Forest, if every other nation besides the Dread League have been conquered.
✢ Changes:
- Chital's content has been updated to acknowledge new Kirian content.
- The Griffon Liberation Army is now consistently referred to as the Prywhenian Liberation Army.
- Rebalanced militaries and industries of Karkadannistan, Maretonia and Aestlonia.
- Wingbardy now has claims on Abyssinian states they own.
- Militarist Colthage's war plans are no longer mutually exclusive.
- Spellfire module for tanks now provides hard attack.
- Asterion's Iron Will has received an updated portrait.
- Aztlan Free State's Caballeron and Jungle Trek have received updated portraits.
- Crystal Empire's Radiant Hope has received an updated portrait.
- Chital's Vaalan Laukkanen has received an updated portrait.
- Yakyakistan's Karsak Sükhbataar and Khan Koletiv have received updated portraits.
- Disciple of the Night's Light Narrative has received an updated portrait.
✢ Fixes:
- Fixed a CTD in Hippogriffia.
- A Hippogriffian event will now correctly remove Chiropterra's cores.
- The southeastern breakways in the Equestrian civil war will always annex each other now.
- Militarist Colthage can no longer grant the same land to multiple warlords.
- A Colthaginian civil war event will no longer trigger twice.
- Hopefully fixed a decision where Wittenland asks for Barrad state ownership.
- Chiropterra no longer receives the wrong focus tree after losing to another North Zebrican nation.
- Corrected several availability issues with Chital's foci.
- Smoothened various issues with Polar Bear content.
- Fixed an issue with The Ascendancy's Herzland puppet release decision.
- Fixed an issue where various nations had a blank motorised equipment icon.
- Fixed an issue where a Colthage focus didn't check properly for Coltva.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: e0c4

"Bears and Bandits" 2.1.1

21 Aug 02:27
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✢ Additions:
- Polar Bears' Hyperbearia betrayal path has been expanded.
- Hippogriffia's Razorbeak path has been expanded.
- When the control of a state changes during war, a proportion of its factories will now be damaged.
- Karkadannistan now has a decision to generate wargoals against its neighbours.
- Dragons now have generic male portraits.
- Added a new general for communist Longsword, and a general for Yale.
- 1019 Armoured Train 2 technology has been added.
- Added Modern Naval Mines 3 (1022) as a ship module.
- Added Naval Cannon (1007), Armour Skirt 2 (1020) and Stabilizer 3 (1026) as tank modules.
- Pingland now has AI game rules.
- Merlock Wood, Count Cloudet, Alexander Kemerskai, Paw Wellington and Torben of Clan Svartpels now have an advisor icon.
✢ Changes:
- Colthage's Zalathel Zarca has received an updated portrait.
- Puerto Caballo's Roca Roja and Ponse Cocktail have received updated portraits.
- MARESOC's Yuria Lovett and Marius Hurricane have received updated portraits.
- Chiropterra's Auburn Leaf, Aurora Gale, Carrot Stick, Dead Air, Ecliptic Brine, Lakana Pandeha, Leaf LeHay, Lightning Charm, Lucent Eclipse, Stirling Silver, Stone Palisade and The Jackal have received updated portraits.
- Longsword's Heinrich von Plummen, Antanas Gogas, Abba Povner, Marija Gimbalnas, Conrad Silvertalon, Rembert Cloudbeak and Golden Morning have received updated portraits.
- Klugetown's Verko has received an updated portrait.
- Austurland's Einvardur Blaivarsson has received an updated portrait.
- Winggarden's Coffee Bean, Sonar Beep and Marble Pillar have received updated portraits.
- Aquileia's Moriset Discret has received an updated portrait.
- Pridea's Dennis Discret has received an updated portrait.
- Pònaidhean's Crimson nic Heart has received an updated portrait.
- Sunstriker Clan's Guntbert Greyfeather has received an updated portrait.
- Lushi's Razech Oumont has received an updated portrait.
- Abyssinia's Alfie and Gordon have received updated portraits.
- Updated several advisor icons for Changeling Lands.
- Improved racial technology trees icon positioning.
- Adjusted the outcomes of border war raiding.
- Concentrated Industry research line now offers more naval output.
- New victory points have been added in Equestria and Vedina.
- Crystal deposits are now more common over Zebrica.
- Default occupation law is now Local Police Force.
- Every Equus country that gets a wargoal on Nova Griffonia can't take the focus to attack them before their civil war has ended.
- Nova Griffonia's historical path has been changed to Highhill's coup.
- The Republican Government in Exile of Haukland should appear more often now.
- The Republican Government in Exile of Haukland will now receive compliance coring should they take over Herzland.
- The GLA shall now be known as the Prywhenian Liberation Army at the start of the game.
- Hippogriffia's Government of National Unity can now only be formed if the Hippogriffia puppet owns Mount Aris.
- Countries that move their capital as part of their content shall no longer revert to the old one if it is taken over by an enemy.
- Countries should now be far more likely to annex states, if they have an annex wargoal or can core them through compliance.
- New Mareland's starting naval doctrine has been changed to Fleet in Being.
- AI will take the Desperate Defence decision more often now.
- Adjusted various decision costs and focus rewards for Polar Bears.
- Knights and Jagers now have a small amount of anti-air attack.
- Generic civil wars will no longer be triggered by an outcome of draft dodging.
- Various GUIs have been updated to match vanilla.
- Stalliongrad's Vasily Pantsushenko has been renamed to Vasily Wheatin.
- Chiropterra's Gorge Batton has been renamed to Gorge Z. Batton.
- Polarland strategic region has been renamed to Polaria.
- Yaks and Jaks have received a new namelist.
- Azir's flags have been reworked.
- Abyssinia's communist flag has been reworked.
✢ Fixes:
- The decision to recruit meme generals for Polar Bears no longer appears for every country.
- Post-defeat Chiropterra will no longer annex Zarantia and Tobuck, which was breaking their path.
- Fixed a CTD related to Colthage's "No Sufrit" political advisor.
- Fixed a CTD which occurred after Francistria capitulates Tarrin.
- Adelart no longer recreates its faction if it already exists.
- Fixed several Adelart high command advisors having inappropriate traits.
- Wingbardy can no longer attempt to ally Tarrin before they complete their elections.
- White peace between Tarrin and Francistria should only occur once henceforth.
- Improved several availability checks for Prywhen's focus tree.
- Changeling Lands' puppet cosmetic tags should correctly drop under correct circumstances from now on.
- Hyperbearia should no longer lose its cosmetic tag if the player rebels.
- The extreme civil war option for Equestria's AI game rule should work again.
- The refinery concern for League of Four Emirs no longer provides an 80% industrial research bonus.
- Corrected an edge case in which Princely Lake City could get stuck with its focus tree.
- Fixed Iris Silverclaw's missing advisor icon for the Griffonian Republic.
- Diamond Dog operatives will no longer have a chance to originate from Brodfeld, but rather Bronzehill.
- Fixed an issue where mutually exclusive foci could be taken as Falcor.
- Fixed several countries having overlapping focuses when "Show obsolete focus paths" is enabled.
- Corrected availability issues with Tobuck's gunrunning decisions.
- Fixed a Tobuck focus to work without By Blood Alone.
- Updated a Sirenalia focus to work with By Blood Alone.
- Fixed a Skyfall focus to work without By Blood Alone.
- Added La Resistance integration for appropriate Griffonian Empire ideas.
- The generic Naval Bomber template will no longer use an incompatible module.
- Fixed an issue with the torpedo tech category, ensuring all related modifiers will work for every torpedo type.
- Corrected several missing focus icon shines.
- Fixed issues with scripted wargoals/cores for Roam and/or Talonsvaal.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 91c0

"Bears and Bandits"

26 Jun 01:11
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✢ Additions:
- Added a flag for Greater Soryth.
- Added portraits for Paw Wellington in the Endless Wastes path, Lord Midas, Øverste Administrator-001 as well as various Polar Bear generals and an admiral.
- Added placeholder events for Roam and Talonsvaal about declaring war on various countries.
- Added portrait for Manedalusia's Transitional Military Council.
- Added new cosmetic tags for Polar Bears.
- Added a new victory point and supply hub in Manedalusia.
- Added generic cat and generic penguin spy portraits.
- Added an event for unification of anarchist Adelart with anarchist Greifwald.
✢ Changes:
- Reworked portrait for Flash Sentry in Crystal Empire.
- Updated Barrad GUI with the new Ambrosius portrait.
- "The Wrath of Boreas" focus for Herald of Boreas now requires owning Griffenheim rather than Griffonstone.
- Adjusted some Adelart flags.
- Slightly increased speed for Chargers.
- Adjusted Petershoof state border and nearby rivers.
- Tweaked penguin and changeling state populations and state categories.
- Adjusted Cannibal Mountains state borders.
- Tweaked location of Zumbo victory point and added a supply hub.
- Adjusted border between Manedalusia and Maregypt.
- Changed terrain of various provinces in northern Equus.
- Removed some impassable province adjacencies in Abyssinia.
- Replaced supply hub in Gorak with a naval base.
- Setup 3D models for plane icons.
- Made Panzerbjørn weaker but also less expensive.
- Tarrin now auto-annexes Aquileian countries if it tries to puppet them.
- Made Wingbardy's focuses about invading Herzland consistent between the different paths.
- Changed Sunglider's subideology to harmonic socialism in the post-war elections for Griffonian Republic.
- Tweaked namelist for Manedalusia.
- Various Polar Bear focuses no longer add forts.
- Some Polar Bear focuses now improve state categories, add population or change victory point values or names.
- Changed duration of various focuses for Polar Bears.
- Bjornling now gets more stability from focuses.
- Tactics unique to Equestria at War are now available as Preferred Tactics.
- AI now prefers zebra tactics over generic ones.
- Meme generals for Polar Bears are no longer available at start, but can be unlocked via a decision.
- Adjusted Adelart AI to prefer annexing rather than puppeting Aquileian and Herzland nations.
- Removed "Disrupted Communications" national spirit from South-East Equestrian civil war nations as it did nothing.
- Renamed Coltuba into Coltoba.
✢ Fixes:
- Fixed trigger for one of the songs.
- Fixed small icon for Panzerbjørn.
- Fixed some Polar Bear national spirit, advisor and concern icons.
- Made sure Winggarden DMZ is removed when Hippogriffia annexes it via event.
- Tried to ensure Tarrin AI doesn't keep its divisions on the border with Francistria even if they're not going to attack.
- Fixed Adelart's starting production not using one available factory.
- Fixed wrong national spirit in Adelart having tooltip about locked divisions.
- Fixed an Adelart event reducing non-aligned popularity instead of supremacy.
- Fixed numerous conditions for Polar Bear national spirits, decisions and focuses.
- Fixed some Polar Bear focus bypasses.
- Polar Bear focuses no longer require control of impassable states.
- Fixed Hellquill constantly asking for a guarantee if they are rejected.
- Fixed Nestor Bernier's advisor icon in Adelart.
- Fixed battalion placement in Northern Tribes' starting template.
- Fixed issues with various focus icons.
- Fixed one of Polar Bear Equestrian advisors being unlocked by the wrong focus.
- Fixed a Manehattan focus being unavailable with By Blood Alone.
- Nimbusia can no longer get war goal on Hellquill, Longsword or Gryphia if they are with them in the River Coalition.
- If Adelart becomes the successor of the Griffonian Empire, it will no longer be renamed into Aquileia by certain focuses.
- Fixed missing localization in Polar Bear Communities.
- Fixed some Adelart focuses not checking for other completed focuses.
- Adelart focus that spawns Knights now also gives the technology for them.
- Fixed Colthage Scientific Committee advisor not having an icon.
- If Tarrin becomes Aquileia, its faction is dismantled first.
- Fixed some of Tobuck's AI path game rules not working.
- Fixed advisor icon of a generic Aquileian portrait.
- Fixed a CTD on Colthage capitulation caused by advisors.
- Fixed Chital being able to invite Macawia into its faction when it shouldn't be able to.
- Fixed Stalliongrad leaving the All Ponies Front faction not always working properly.
- Fixed AI naval templates so AI will now actually build ships.
- Fixed "Tricolor Over Griffenheim" award being possible to get as Duchy of Cloudbury.
- Fixed Francistria appearing in Tarrin after Wingbardy annexes both.
- Fixed a national spirit for South-East Equestrian civil war nations invalidating after a day if Disciples don't exist anymore.
- Fixed a CTD caused by an Austurland focus.
- Fixed some Adelart advisor traits.
- Fixed Flowena leaving factions or getting guarantees while at war.
- Fixed Flowena war focuses not bypassing if the target is in the same faction.
- Fixed Polar Bears being unable to change puppet status.
- Fixed some Polar Bear focuses not being mutually exclusive when they should be.
- Fixed some Tobuck dynamic modifiers appearing for every country in the world.
- Fixed forming the Storm Kingdom not removing cores of other pretenders in states owned by other countries.
- Fixed a Vanhoover national spirit having doctrine research bonuses.
- Fixed lack of focus categories in Adelart and Polar Bears.
- Fixed name and description of a Westkeep decision.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 3ed5

"Bears and Bandits" 2.1

12 Jun 01:09
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✢ New focus trees and content for:
- Polar Bear Communities
- Free Territory of Adelart
✢ Additions:
- Added Polar Bear racial technologies.
- Added new main menu art and music.
- Added a new loading screen.
- Added update highlights in the main menu.
- Added new military leaders for Maregypt, Les Meridiennes, Vrystaat and New Mareland.
- Added new country leaders for Hyenia, Mozzi, Manedalusia and Les Meridiennes.
- Added portraits for Council of Sailors in Skynavia and Trochanter in Our Town.
- Added generic portraits for harpies and yeti.
- Added equipment icons for Polar Bears and Penguins.
- Added concern icons for numerous countries.
- Added a concern for Saddle Arabian countries.
- Added war exhaustion mechanic for Changeling war with Polar Bears.
- Added a new custom GUI that replaces vanilla capitulation events.
- Added unique responses to various Equestrian news events for Chiropterra.
- Added Grover VI "coronation" event for supremacy Romau.
- Added communist flag for Icepaw.
- Added a new victory point in Equestria.
- Added a generic griffon air chief advisor icon.
- Added ace icons for yeti.
✢ Changes:
- Reworked country selection screen.
- Reworked some flags for Herzland, Greifwald and Abyssinia.
- Reworked news event images for successful Aquileian Revolution and the Abyssinian crisis.
- Reworked portraits for Silverstream in Hippogriffia and Trubach in House Avian.
- Adjusted borders of some states and relocated some victory points in Equestria and Stalliongrad.
- Countries in the Aquileian periphery now use either Aquileian or Herzlander equipment icons and portraits, rather than generic ones.
- Updated leader portrait, flag and color of Macigena.
- Swapped traits of two New Mareland advisors, Quick March and Thunder Boom.
- Replaced some generic advisor and concern icons in River Republic and Firtree Villages.
- "The Jungle is a Weapon" zebra technology now unlocks a unique tactic.
- Feudal Levies in Angriver are now irregular infantry.
- Changelings can no longer establish protectorates while occupying Polar Bears.
- AI Pridea and Vinovia now always go monarchist while AI Rila and Westkeep always go republican.
- Replaced decision to open Aquileian army GUI with a custom button.
- Increased the effects of Wittenland spell decisions.
- Colthaginian mercenaries in Wittenland are now Chargers rather than regular infantry.
- Base year ahead research penalty changed from 2.5 to 2.25.
- Equestrian focuses no longer check for World Tension, and the War Support requirements have been increased.
- Swapped traits of ELF naval concerns.
- If non-aligned Flowena is guaranteed or goes neutral, it will now leave any faction it is in.
- Wittenland can no longer redeem lich Silver Star.
- Adjusted Changeling events about demanding things from Polar Bears.
- Equestria no longer gets war support from a news event about Changeling mobilization.
- If Evi is formed by a communist country, it now has red rather than green color.
- Increased size of Alwani's starting army.
- Klugetown state is now claimed by Abyssinia and Maregypt.
- Skynavia can no longer get cores on countries outside of Griffonia with the exceptions of Nova Griffonia and Griffon Frontier.
- Reduced bonuses from Talarayi's "The Golden City" national spirit.
- Skyfall now has a level 10 naval base.
- Relocated some factories from Petershoof to other states.
- Klugetown now starts with slave economy law.
- Arantiga, Falcor and Talouse now leave the faction they're in if they switch to supremacy or communism.
- Hippogriffia and Macawia now use griffon ace icons.
- Changed Haukland's instant coring to compliance coring.
✢ Fixes:
- Changed the requirements of the "Thermal Signature Detected" award as they weren't working.
- Hopefully fixed issues related to Cadance not becoming leader of liberated Crystal Empire.
- Fixed case-sensitive character GFX definitions.
- Fixed which focus unlocks Gerhard advisor in Yale.
- Fixed republican Romau being able to ally republican Angriver before Bluhm wins the elections.
- Fixed issue where Wittenland spell decisions could be permanently blocked.
- Barrad should no longer get content about the Race for the Bomb.
- Colthaginian concern exclusive to the militarist path is no longer visible by default.
- Fixed a concern icon in Aquileia.
- Colthage focuses about preparing for war with Hippogriffia are bypassed if they already own Zumidian states.
- Fixed Farbrook and Firtrees being able to get 6 research slots.
- Harmonic Tarrin no longer forms a faction if it already is in one.
- Fixed vanilla reunification events appearing for Colthage.
- Fixed Wingbardy not giving Tarrin states to Francistria upon puppeting.
- Fixed event about Abyssinia seizing Wingbardian colony when the civil war begins not triggering.
- Fixed issues with weapon technologies.
- Fixed issue with Wittenland always being communist when puppeted by a republic.
- Increased sickness and wounded chance reductions from some traits to ensure the chance is reduced to 0.
- Fixed Chiropterra being able to steal generals from Equestria without warning.
- Fixed Nova Griffonia's response to Teafeather assassination news event.
- Fixed the allies of the guarantator not guaranteeing Flowena.
- Fixed Black Claw Grover coronation event happening more than once.
- Fixed Skystar in Hippogriffia not losing her royal title upon becoming country leader in the communist path.
- Fixed issues with Hippogriffia's navy without Man the Guns DLC.
- Fixed some cruiser module slots.
- Removed straits in the Great Lakes as they caused various issues.
- Aquileian anti-submarine ships are now actually equipped to fight submarines.
- Improved tooltips for Southeast Equestrian railroad decisions.
- Fixed ace pilot events not being minor events.
- Lunar Empire focuses no longer require ownership of impassable states.
- Fixed Raft's AI allies leaving the faction in Hippogriffia.
- Fixed Hippogriffia being able to get wargoal on Chiropterra when it shouldn't.
- Hippogriffia should no longer get an invitation to their own wargames.
- Fixed bypass on "A Harmonist Sufrit" focus in Hippogriffia.
- Fixed AI path game rules not working for Tobuck.
- Fixed problem with Zarantia defence pact decision.
- Fixed issue with Skyfall plane focus.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

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