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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev

🧭 “Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 🏔️

02 Feb 00:37
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✢ Additions:
- Added new portraits for Thunderhooves, Strongheart and the Elder in the Buffalo Chiefdom.
- Added a new advisor icon for Spike in Crystal Empire.
- Added some generic portraits for Gargiloya.
- Added a new general for the Disciples of Nightmare Moon.
- Added a portrait for Senturya communist leader.
- Added a portrait for Gargiloya supremacy leader.
- Added a new portrait for Skystar in Hippogriffia when she becomes a Queen.
- Added a new portrait for Laika Barker in Bronzehill.
- Added a new advisor in New Mareland.
- Added a new scientist in Crystal Empire.
- Added a couple of new event images for Longsword.
- Added unique concerns/MIOs for Senturya.

✢ Changes:
- Made AI neighbours not garrison border with Arcturian Order or Dread League unless war is imminent.
- Made Yakyakistan/Jaki-Clan AI prioritize coring on each other and made it require less compliance.
- Improved handling of April Fool's Imperium and Dawnclaw heresy being puppeted.
- Dread League no longer gets instant war with everyone during Black Crusade but rather the wars are escalated gradually.
- AI's desire to engage in arms trade is now affected by various factors.
- Improved the reliability of the Nova Griffonia and Skyfall mercenary volunteer system.
- Try to make AI more likely to upgrade deployed divisions.
- Made AI prioritize fighter plane production less.
- Improved clan loyalty alerts for Yakyakistan/Jaki-Clan.
- Tarrin can now only ally with Aquileia if they share the ideology, and can no longer ally monarchies.
- Redrawn portraits for Archon Eros in the Griffonian Empire and Zellix in Changeling Lands.
- Gelon-Zornu and the Imperial Mazwi can now unite the Great Lakes.
- Removed penalties to industry repair speed from society development due to it now adding on top of building speed penalty.
- Made Colthage decisions to build industry slower and more expensive.
- Reduced number of factories in right branch of the Nova Griffonia economic tree.

✢ Fixes:
- Kerr in Jaki-Clan can now actually core the North after betraying Chrysalis.
- Fixed bypass for Colthage university focus.
- Fixed Gerza's Colthage having a decision to negotiate with Chiropterra even if they do not exist.
- Fixed a Thorax focus not auto-completing the correct focus.
- Aquileia focus to declare war on Griffonian Empire now works better if the Empire doesn't exist.
- Fixed Manehattan taking control of occupied states during war due to puppet status change.
- Fixed River Republic focuses requiring free slots for buildings even when they give them.
- Fixed missing icon in Monzano's Colthage.
- Fixed errors in various name lists.
- Fixed rare edgecase softlocking resistance path in Celestial Resistance.
- Added sanity check for asking for aid in Celestial Resistance.
- Added sanity check artifacts of power in Celestial Resistance.
- Fixed puppeted Dark Wing not being harmonic.
- Fixed Changeling Fragrance taking decisions meant for Changeling Lands and crashing the game.
- Fixed militarist Colthage activating a mission to hire concerns even with the DLC that replaces them with MIOs.
- Scientifid Colthage's unique science base can no longer be removed.
- Fixed a general in Vrystaat having the wrong racial trait.
- Fixed Reichsmandat Flussland having the wrong country leader sometimes.
- Fixed missing GFX for Large Airframe icons for Intercontinental Bomber category in MIOs.
- Fixed Changeling AI advisor factors.
- Fuel conservationist trait should actually be obtainable now.
- Fixed incorrect equipment type for Changeling railway guns.
- Fixed incorrect producer for equipment in New Mareland decisions.
- Fixed numerous references to incorrect strategic regions since shrinking of the seas.
- Fixed missing type in species map mode.
- Fixed a portrait in Tobuck.
- Fixed teleportation decisions for April Fool's Abyssinia.
- Fixed a Wittenland mercenary company not disbanding.
- Fixed numerous MIO icons and trait icons being broken.
- Fixed Polar Bear Communities using Yakyakistan national spirits that were removed in the rework.
- Fixed tooltip about Torben in Polar Bear Communities puppeting Changeling Lands.
- Fixed a DLC-locked module being visible without the DLC.
- Fixed SHBB1 being stronger than SHBB2 because of certain bonuses.
- Fixed Luna's Equestria turning into Crystal Province if Solar Empire completes the Ascension focus.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 7999

🧭 “Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 🏔️

12 Jan 20:59
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✢ Additions:
- Added portraits for generic yeti scientists.
- Added a new general in Tobuck.

✢ Changes:
- Removed the holiday spirit.
- Shortened the duration of the Changeling Lands' starting national spirit 'Pre-emptive War Bonds' from 2 to 1.5 years.
- Reduced the amount of factories and divisions Aquileia and Rila have at game start and get later on.
- Nova Griffonia can now support communist Griffonian Republic.
- Equestria and Solar Empire now get a severe opinion penalty with Chiropterra.
- Tarrin's decision to spawn partisans in enemy territory can now only target neighbours.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed new Aestlonia characters not appearing.
- Fixed "The Eler Sea Agreement" focus in Colthage not being available when it should be.
- Allowed ship hull self-conversions as a workaround for vanilla refit bug.
- Fixed some advisor icons.
- Nuclear bomb crystal shortage now also accounts for import.
- Numerous minor Kattail fixes.
- Re-enabled super heavy battleships.
- Fixed Soryth starting with a magical research facility.
- Improved Stalliongrad AI.
- Fixed availability of a Diamond Mountain focus about Farbrook and Firtrees.
- Fixed dependencies of Starfire special project for Hippogriffia.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: 3f4e

🧭 “Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 🏔️

28 Dec 21:32
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✢ Additions:
- Readded the holiday spirit.
- Added a new background for the tank MIO menu.
- Added new generals for the Equestrian Liberation Front and Aestlonia.
- Added a supply hub in the Dragon Lands.
- Added a decision to hide Deep Rock Drill on-map decisions.

✢ Changes:
- Changed texture for land cruiser.
- Made Twilight Theory into a separate game rule.
- Updated nuclear bonus for a Kattail's Abyssinia.
- Crystal shortage no longer completely stops nuclear bomb production but reduces it instead.
- Adjusted generic Griffonian and Zebrican focus trees so it is possible to go from 1 research slot to 5.
- Strengthened Aoranda slightly.
- New Mareland Mandate now only requires starting cores.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed Nova Griffonia having a civil war while being a subject.
- Fixed Nova Griffonia not getting a national spirit when going fully republican.
- Fixed Nova Griffonia mission activation.
- Fixed missing tooltips in Coltva.
- Fixed a focus availability tooltip in Colthage.
- Deactivated artifacts for Celestial Resistance if it goes down the shadow path.
- Fixed generic designers/concerns appearing for every country.
- Fixed a focus availability check for Grimclaw's Katerin.
- Fixed Flowena decisions being available when they shouldn't be.
- Fixed one division of the League of Four Emirs starting in an impassable state.
- Fixed some kattail exotic weapons projects being unavailable.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: af46

🧭 “Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 🏔️

10 Dec 20:19
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✢ Additions:
- Added three new scientists for Stalliongrad and a decision to promote them into generals.
- Added an avionics facility in Stalliongrad.
- Added two new advisors/generals for Kattail's Abyssinia.
- Added a new portrait for Sunburst in Crystal Empire.

✢ Changes:
- Implemented changes from 1.15.2 HOI4 patch.
- Decreased recon and initiative gain for stealth cloak project.
- Further rebalancing related to the Great War.
- Winggarden now uses the hippogriff namelist.
- The focus "Harmonist Syncretic Economics" in Hippogriffia now correctly blocks economic laws.
- Spirit Grenades special project now requires Support Equipment to be researched.
- Abyssinia's Kaiser Kattail has received an updated portrait, alongside decisions to swap them.

✢ Fixes:
- Corrected various problems with Kattail's focus tree.
- Added missing modifiers to Katown when Projekt Metropol is done.
- Long Term Tactical Divination special project now actually applies extra planning and logistics for new leaders.
- Resolved all issues regarding the Deep Rock Drill special project and modifier.
- Universal Translator special project modifier now recognises ownership of Cloudbury.
- Fixed recently introduced issues in Zarishat's Coltva.
- Kattail can no longer build arcologies in land he doesn't own.
- Fixed multiple spawnpoints for rocket sites.
- Fixed defence amount for heavy knight project choice.
- Fixed Yakyakistan claimed states wargoals on Nova Griffonia/Griffonian Frontier.
- Fixed an issue where Tobuck could continue researching pony technologies after swapping.
- Hippogriffia can no longer remove Warzena and Zumidia out of their faction.
- New Mareland can no longer use puppeting decisions as a puppet.
- Fixed an issue where the Political Chaos idea couldn't be removed in republican Nova Griffonia.
- The decision to increase science base for Lake City will no longer appear if already at highest level of it.
- Corrected the Griffking Empire losing its cosmetic tag.
- Farbrook can now unlock a previously unavailable advisor.
- Definitely cleared out the last human infiltrators in changeling models.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 8aa4

🧭 “Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 🏔️

29 Nov 20:35
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✢ Additions:
- Added unique province terrain art for Canterlot, Griffenheim, Manehattan and Vesalipolis.
- Added a custom GUI for managing prefectures for Zarishat's Coltva.
- Kaiser Kattail's Projekt Metropol can now also be undertaken on various large cities across the world, coring them and turning them into arcologies.
- Kaiser Kattail now has two new Aeternite Relic decisions.

✢ Changes:
- Added some breakthrough bonus effects to the generic griffon and zebra focus tree.
- Katown Pyramid and Zebtropa Dam projects now spawn landmarks.
- Miscellaneous DLC related improvements for Kattail's focus tree.
- Separated the Imperial Palace and the Grand Temple of Boreas landmarks.
- Truthahn in Greifenmarschen now destroys the Grand Temple landmarks.
- The Monument to the Revolution built by Constitutionalist Colthage is now a landmark.
- Francistria is now more willing to make peace with Tarrin.

✢ Fixes:
- Eliminated causes of three different CTDs.
- Fixed an issue with a special project giving knights too much armour.
- Fixed the icon in the synthetic mineral growth special project tooltip.
- Corrected position of monopulse radar in the tech tree.
- Removed DLC requirements for the future radar special projects.
- Hopefully removed the last of human infiltrators from changeling models.
- Fixed the Red Sun Yak Army award not being given.
- Various fixes for puppeting decisions in Hippogriffia and Chital.
- Replaced various obsolete tech requirements with special project checks.
- Restored supremacist Romau's special cosmetic tag for forming the Empire.
- Fixed an issue with nuclear submarine engines.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 468e

"Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!"

21 Nov 22:41
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✢ Additions:
- Added 26 new landmarks around the world.
- Added unique icons for several landmarks.
- Added 24 new dams around the world.
- Added new scientists for Colthage, Equestria, Hippogriffia, Wittenland, Tobuck and Kattail in Abyssinia.
- Added a new portrait for Moon Dancer scientist in New Mareland.
- Added a new advisor in Tobuck.

✢ Changes:
- Celestial Resistance can now use Equestrian division namelists.
- Updated Posada content in Hippogriffia to utilize new DLC and update features.
- Puppeting causes some world tension now.
- Changelings annexing Olenia via event now causes some world tension.
- Adjusted AI and balance for the Great War.
- Encryption key choices in a special project now matter.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed an Abyssinian scientist being visible when he shouldn't be.
- Fixed broken division template icons.
- Hide No Step Back DLC technology in the support tab with the DLC disabled.
- Late game air doctrines are now visible by default, and become available after jet engine project is completed.
- Fixed heavy knight armour being too powerful.
- Fixed some technologies having a wrong date.
- Fixed Queen Yaria, Conrad Grimclaw and Twinkle Sprinkle scientists not having portraits.
- Fixed issues with Chiropterra white peace.
- Fixed issue with special project GUI.
- Fixed special equipment only allowing a maximum of 5 factories instead of 10.
- Fixed a general and an advisor in Celestial Resistance not being visible when they should be.
- Celestial Resistance now removes claims of other Southeast Equestrian countries on its states after winning.
- A Celestial Resistance focus now bypasses if Canterlot isn't owned by Equestria or Lunar Empire.
- Celestial Resistance focuses no longer require owning the Badlands.
- Fixed changelings having human 3D models.
- Fixed availability of changeling super battleships.
- Fixed Aestlonia not having a region description in the welcomescreen.
- Fixed supercarrier icon not showing.
- Fixed PoS path in Celestial Resistance not removing some national spirits.
- Updated AI strategies for doctrines to match vanilla.
- Fixed a Posada focus requiring the wrong technology.
- Fixed a changeling decision not being available when it should be.
- Fixed issue with nuclear ship engines.
- Fixed various crashes.
- Fixed bug about Antax becoming leader of the Changeling Lands.
- Fixed Hippogriffia MIO and a Polar Bear focus checking for a technology instead of a special project.
- Fixed DLC checks for some equipment GFX.
- Fixed name lists for some countries being too short.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: d04a

"Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!" 2.3.1

14 Nov 21:19
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✢ Compatibility for 1.15 Hearts of Iron IV patch and Götterdämmerung DLC:
- Several unique special projects.
- The Queen's Tower and the Palace of the Soviets are now Monuments, without 3D models for now.
- Unique raids targeting the aforementioned Monuments.
- Scientist portraits for various races.
- Added both pre-existing dams and dams built via focus.

✢ Additions:
- Added unique division namelist for Chiropterra.
- Added new generals for Abyssinia, Crystal Empire, Changeling Lands and Celestial Resistance.
- Added generic operative portraits for yetis.
- Added a generic portrait for gargoyles.

✢ Changes:
- Aquileian decisions to build infrastructure now only gives infrastructure when the timer runs out rather than immediately.
- Reduced duration of a Tobuck focus and increased the number of factories it gives.
- Replaced leader of changeling Yak Protectorate.
- Replaced portrait of changeling Nova Griffonia Protectorate.
- Fixed changeling Yak Protectorate receiving an impassable state they shouldn't own.
- Improved state lore GUI slightly.
- Minor map tweaks.
- Optimized code for Worldwide Socialist Republic decision.

✢ Fixes:
- The unique Kirin science base can no longer be manually replaced.
- Fixed various issues with the new Griffonian Empire mandates.
- Fixed potential issue with visibility of generic political decisions for Colthage.
- Fixed a communist Yakyakistan focus not being available when it should be.
- Prevented gaining Plumage Moonfeather before finishing the "The Siren Constant" focus when switching the siren leaders.
- Fixed Chiropterra white peacing Zebrican countries when the Lunar Empire is defeated.
- Fixed a Tobuck decision deducing the wrong amount of guns.
- Fixed Yona's stat numbers.
- Fixed a bypass for a communist Yakyakistan diplomacy focus.
- Fixed compatibility issues with the official music submod.
- Fixed Nova Griffonia being unable to progress if the civil war was avoided.
- Fixed wrong bonus for Nova Griffonian republicans.
- Fixed Changeling Lands news events for capturing states not triggering.
- Fixed issue with Bronzehill investment decision.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checsum : 01c1

"Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!"

01 Nov 21:18
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✢ Additions:
- Added a small focus tree for New Mareland when puppeted by the Griffonian Empire, intended for the AI.
- Added three new decisions for the Griffonian Empire to release Mandate puppets.
- Added flag for Star Mountain in Jaki-Clan when she becomes puppet of Solar Empire.
- Added a decision for Celestial Resistance to attack Vanhoover.
- Added a decision for Stalliongrad to return yak cores to a puppeted Yakyakistan.

✢ Changes:
- Decisions to release mandate puppets are now available to Strawberry and Bronzehill as well when they form the Griffonian Empire.
- Adjusted balancing for Nova Griffonia and Jaki-Clan.
- Labour battalions in Sheriff Adelart are now penal battalions instead of regular infantry.
- Made the AI upgrade magical infantry.
- The division limiter now takes ponypower into account.
- Forced Dread League AI to build more divisions.
- Stalliongrad should now wait until 1012 on non-historical to start do something with Equestria.
- Assigned generic icons for various advisors.
- Changeling protectorates are now added to the technology sharing group when released.
- Maihov in Jaki-Clan now reverts to communal society development.
- Celestial Resistance can now form Equestria if Canterlot is controlled by an ally.
- One of the Tarrin generals is now transferred to Aquileia whenever the two countries are united.
- The Pieces of Power artifact assembly event is now triggered automatically.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed Nova Griffonian republicans being unable to progress in the focus tree if they avoid the civil war.
- Fixed Yakyakistan and Jaki-Clan focuses adding buildings in impassable states.
- Fixed harmonic Yakyakistan coring decisions being repeatable.
- Fixed an event trigger in Celestial Resistance checking for the wrong country.
- Fixed Celestial Resistance war decision against Chiropterra being available even if they were allies.
- Fixed Solar Empire's resistance crisis appearing when it shouldn't.
- Fixed AI not putting desired number of military factories towards air production.
- Fixed trigger for Solar Empire decision to increase presence in Crystal Empire.
- Fixed some Yakyakistan national spirits shifting the balance of power in the wrong direction.
- Decisions to form tribal warbands in the South-East civil war now cancel if the war ends.
- Fixed a Celestial Resistance focus not being available if Chiropterra war was denied.
- Pingland can no longer get a wargoal on Yakyakistan/Jaki-Clan if the only shared border is impassable.
- Fixed missing icons for various Celestial Resistance national spirits.
- Fixed Celestial Resistance artifact interface not being centered.
- Fixed GUI issues with Russian font.
- Fixed Ulla Redtail's advisor icon.
- Fixed Vrystaat male admiral portraits.
- Fixed a resource prospecting decision in Jaki-Clan giving the wrong resource.
- Fixed issue with Changeling yak protectorate decisions.
- "Dig Deeper" focus in Talouse now gives more technology bonuses.
- Fixed some Wittenland national spirits not being removed when they should be.
- Fixed Wittenland having republican leaders when being puppeted as a Kingdom.
- Fixed some Jaki-Clan focuses being blocked if all majors on Equus are defeated earlier than intended.
- Fixed Nova Griffonia capital reset not working properly.
- Fixed broken requirements for a focus in Katerin's Grimclaw path.
- Fixed edge case of Celestial Resistance national spirits not being added.
- Fixed Crescent Glow in Celestial Resistance not always getting the right portrait.
- Fixed Good Word in Celestial Resistance being available as advisor when he shouldn't be.
- Fixed a research bonus in Celestial Resistance being much larger than intended.
- Harmonic Yakyakistan government can no longer flee to the Solar Empire.
- Fixed two Austurland MIO icons.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checsum : c22c

“Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 2.3

27 Oct 19:38
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✢ Reworked focus trees and content for:
- Celestial Resistance (formerly Celestial State)
- Kingdom of Yakyakistan
- Jaki-Clan

✢ Additions:
- New main menu screen and theme.
- Added 6 new awards.
- Replaced Nova Griffonia focuses about Highhill securing his rule with an actual civil war.
- Canterlot and Manehattan state lore now contain unique artwork.
- Added decisions for Chital for more wargoals and puppet creation.
- Equestrian southeast civil war nations now have various supply decisions.
- Expanded non-aligned Katerin content.
- Added a focus for supremacy Pingland to attack the yaks.
- Added a difficulty slider for Lunar Empire.
- Added flavour events in Nova Griffonia.
- Added portrait for Federal Council of Griffonia in Adelart.
- Added artwork for a general in Yale.
- Added new generals for Prywhen, Griffonian Empire and Katerin.
- Added an admiral in Les Meridiennes.
- Added a new supremacy subideology.
- Added a generic spymaster advisor for communist River Republic.
- Added a couple of generic portraits for gargoyles and horses.
- Added a decision for Wittenland to remove Barrad climate modifiers.
- Added event pictures and animations for the Guide's journal in the Ascendancy.

✢ Changes:
- Decreased the size of the world ocean.
- Adjusted the balance of the Great War, especially for the AI.
- The national spirits Equestrian southeast civil war nations get at the end of their civil war trees are now permanent instead of temporary.
- Chiropterra now white peaces everyone on Equus or Griffonia if Lunar Empire is defeated.
- Impassable states are no longer counted for reforming Sombra's Crystal Empire.
- Winter Frost now remains the country leader for non-aligned Kiria.
- Kirian Hundred Day Campaigns now auto-complete.
- Rebalanced stats for generals in Prywhen.
- Normalised Aquileian vassal ship classes.
- Replaced the communist leader of Griffon Frontier.
- Supremacist Winggarden can now core Wingbardy by decision.
- AI Olenia under changelings can now spawn 15 divisions.
- Reworked portraits of Shahanshah Tahmasp in Karkadannistan as well as Erich Mühschabel and Karl Legreif in Yale.
- Tweaked the culture map in Cyanolisia.
- Miscellaneous map changes.

✢ Fixes:
- Fixed the Tame Ursas spell in Wittenland unlocking ursas immediately.
- Fixed yak and undead culture being swapped on the culture map.
- Attempted to ensure Adelart goes on its historical path.
- Griffonian Republic can now continue down its tree if it's allied with Adelart.
- Fixed the Zumidia referendum in harmonic Colthage not bypassing when it should.
- Fixed visibility of Equestrian southeast civil war decisions to raise warbands.
- Fixed the Equestrian southeast civil war decision to get infantry equipment not being repeatable.
- Fixed the Peace of Massicot decision in Kiria being repeatable.
- Kaiser Kattail can no longer dig out aeternite relics in unowned states.
- Fixed Skystar's advisor portrait.
- Fixed missing advisor icon for a Dread League general.
- Fixed Solar Empire game rule not working on historical.
- Fixed issues with Colthage's decision to give land to a warlord and optimized it.
- Fixed issues with airframes Coltva gets from a focus.
- Fixed tooltips of various racial technologies.
- Fixed communist Wingbardy not adding other countries to their faction.
- Fixed communist Wingbardy not joining civil wars caused by instigated coups.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 6af2

"The Way of Fire"

10 Sep 16:16
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✢ Additions:
- Added artwork for various advisors in Griffonian Empire and generals in Strawberry Duchy.
- Added a new general for Dread League, Tarrin, Yale, Olenia, and Posadist Hippogriffia.

✢ Changes:
- Implemented changes from HOI4 1.14.8 patch.
- Reorganised game rules and country buffing in a more sensible form.
- The outcome for Lushi accepting Hellquill's request can now be chosen directly.
- Gryphus' puppeting decisions now reward with some manpower.
- Colthage needs less compliance to core Coltva.
- With LaR, the focus "The Matter Of Internal Security" in Lunar Empire creates an agency.
- Warmaster decisions in Chiropterra now explicitly spell out the traits for ingoing advisors.
- Adjusted values for various victory points.
- Updated Bronzehill's Rosey Luxembark country flag.
- Barrad's Asinti and cyborg Leopold have received an updated portrait.

✢ Fixes:
- Romau now keeps the generic tank and naval designer without AAT.
- Assigned MIOs for starting production where it was missing.
- Fixed a character related crash in Colthage.
- Fixed diplomacy decisions for Coltva not appearing.
- Fixed several foci for militarist Colthage not bypassing.
- Fixed Gina de Gioia being transferred to Wingbardy when she shouldn't be.
- "Establish Flussland" decision for the Griffonian Empire and "Establish Ordensstaat Flussland" focus for Yale no longer target potential cores.
- Resolved issues with the Arabian strait rules.
- Countries should no longer lose their colour in the culture map mode after a civil war.
- Peace conference now correctly bypasses in an edge case involving Equestria and Hippogriffia.
- Palace building decision in Stalliongrad can no longer be spammed.
- Aquileia can no longer annex Tarrin during a war.
- Griffonian Republic can now declare war on nations that leave the Republican Pact.
- Warmaster Dawnclaw is no longer the leader of the supremacy party should civil war occur in Griffonian Republic.
- Flowena can no longer spawn mercenary units if it doesn't control the city of Flowena.
- Various Polar Bear fixes.
- Various terrain fixes.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 6b76