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Convert introText Exel doc to js

Caleb Schwind edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Prune Spreadsheet

  • Delete all columns to the right of the "Weblink" column, these extra columns will show up in the output if you don't delete them.
  • Delete all extra rows at the bottom of the spreadsheet, these extra rows will show up in the output if you don't delete them.
  • Verify that all territories have the correct 2 character state code (i.e. AS = American Somoa, GU = Guam, PR = Puerto Rico, MP = Northern Mariana Islands ,VI = US Virgin Islands).
  • Save the spreadsheet as a csv.

Convert the csv

  • Go to
  • Copy/paste the contents of the csv file into the box in Step 1.
  • Expand Step 2
  • Uncheck the "First row is column names" option
  • Put 3 in for the "Skip # of Lines" option
  • Expand Step 4
  • Enter the following into "Top"

export default {lb}{br}

  • Copy and paste the following into "Repeating Section for each line of CSV"

{f1}: {lb} region: {(f2)==""? "null" : f2}, intro: {(f3)==""? "null" : '"' + f3 + '"'}, url: "{f13}", metrics: [ {lb} value: {(f5)==""? "null" : '"' + f5 + '"'}, label: {(f4)==""? "null" : '"' + f4 + '"'}, unit: {(f6)==""? "null" : '"' + f6 + '"'}, {rb}, {lb} value: {(f8)==""? "null" : '"' + f8 + '"'}, label: {(f7)==""? "null" : '"' + f7 + '"'}, unit: {(f9)==""? "null" : '"' + f9 + '"'}, {rb}, {lb} value: {(f11)==""? "null" : '"' + f11 + '"'}, label: {(f10)==""? "null" : '"' + f10 + '"'}, unit: {(f12)==""? "null" : '"' + f12 + '"'}, {rb}, ], {rb}

  • Enter the following into "Bottom"


  • Click the "Convert CSV to JSON via Template" button

Update introText.js

  • Copy and past the contents of "Result Data" into introText.js
  • Scan through the file and fix any of the following
  1. Comment out the contents of metrics for any items that have null values for everything in the metrics array.
  2. Remove any escape characters or \n
  3. Remove any leading or trailing spaces
  • Check the changes and test.
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