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[Tactic] Rewrite Equiv

Cameron Low edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 4 revisions


The main idea is to provide a way to rewrite a procedure call, somewhere in a program, into a different procedure call, using an equiv.

There is a variant provided to handle cases where the function to be rewritten to has different arguments and/or left-value than the instance provided.


Same arguments: rewrite equiv[{m} p d lem]

Different arguments: rewrite equiv[{m} p d lem (a1, a2, ... :@ lv?)]


  • m: 1 or 2
  • p: code position
  • d: direction, either - or nothing
  • lem: equiv for the rewrite
  • ai: an expression representing a function argument
  • lv: a left-value

Permitted contexts

pRHL judgements


For examples tests/ or instances in the standard library.

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