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Puria Izady edited this page May 27, 2018 · 64 revisions

Welcome to the ABLE Wiki

ABLE, Android Bluetooth-Low-Energy, is a framework that can help you to connect your IoT-device over Bluetooth-Low-Energy with an Android smartphone. The framework does for you the scanning and pairing process. It shows you a list of available Bluetooth LE devices and provides an interface to connect, display data and display GATT services and characteristics supported by the devices. So you can focus on the main issues you want to evaluate with your device.


ABLE, Android Bluetooth-Low-Energy, is a framework that can help you to connect your IoT-device over Bluetooth-Low-Energy with an Android smartphone. The framework does for you the scanning and pairing process. It shows you a list of available Bluetooth LE devices and provides an interface to connect, display data and display GATT services and characteristics supported by the devices. So you can focus on the main issues you want to evaluate with your device.

Table of Contents

Screenshots of the app

IoT examples using the ABLE framework

Cypress CapLED

In this example ABLE is used to read/write sensor data on the platform CY8CKIT-042-BLE of the company Cypress® with a capacitive sensor and a RGB LED.

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