Addon by @eddynadd (Eddy Naddeo)
Add-on OBS to auto-switch between scenes
How to use it ?
Install the Node.js®
Install the obs-websocket plugin
Go to the addon directory and launch it with the "start.bat" file (if you want, you can create a shortcut and add it to your desktop or where you want)
To configure it, you have to change the variables (//CONFIGURATION// tab) :
- let scenes = ["your", "scenes", "names", ...]
- let waitingscreen = "Your waiting screen name";
- let static = "Your static scene name";
- let seconds = NumberOfSecondsYouWantBetweenEverySwitches;
- portConnect = PortOfYourOBSWebsocket;
- passwordConnect = "Password Of Your OBS Websocket"
To add this on your OBS, go on "View", "Docks" and then "Custom Browser Docks...". You can add the addon in this menu (URL is : "http://localhost:3001/")