A Firefox Add-on / web extension to reload a specific tab every 5 minutes.
To build the Add-on, basically follow the steps here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Publishing_your_WebExtension
You need to get it signed, but no need to publish it:
- Create a zip with the files in this repository
- Upload the zip to get it signed
- Download the xpi that was created
- In Firefox, choose Tools ➞ Add-ons ➞ Extensions ➞ ⚙ ➞ Install Add-on From File
In Firefox, click the green R icon to activate the reload on a tab. The icon will turn red, hover over the icon to see at what time it will reload.
To de-activate it, click it again and it will turn green.
Carl Åsman (www.edlin.org)