0.1 | Initial release
- 2020-10-08 ❯ Add edu.py
- 2020-10-20 ❯ Add Edupage.get_students
- 2021-01-22 ❯ Add some message types and some more edu types
- 2021-01-22 ❯ Add homework support
- 2021-01-23 ❯ Add online lesson support, grade data fetching and make all requests with a session to stay logged in
- 2021-02-03 ❯ Create requirements.txt
- 2021-02-11 ❯ Add dynamic schools
- 2021-02-11 ❯ Add a date utility function
- 2021-02-11 ❯ Add better formatting for long calls, add a better of handling diffrent schools
- 2021-02-12 ❯ Added a way of getting grade events
- 2021-02-12 ❯ Make this library look more like a python library
- 2021-02-12 ❯ Make this a proper PyPi package
- 2021-02-03 ❯ Add a small readme file with some documentation
- 2021-02-03 ❯ Add more documentation to README
- 2021-02-03 ❯ Fix formatting an add contribution request
- 2021-02-12 ❯ Update readme to reflect the changes in structure
— @BelKed