Whiteboard component to create your own component.
Main file of the component. Register the functionality for the different parts of the server.
module.exports = {
// True if enabled component
enable: true,
// Name of component
name: 'nameOfComponent',
// Actions to do before Server creation
beforeServer: function (elefrant) {
// Actions and functions
// Actions to do after Server creation
afterServer: function (elefrant, server) {
// Actions and functions
// Variables to add when the server is creating
paramServer: function (elefrant) {
// Actions and functions
// Actions to do before create routes
beforeRoute: function (elefrant) {
// Actions and functions
// Actions to do after create routes
afterRoute: function (elefrant) {
// Actions and functions
// Variables to add when is creating each route
paramRoute: function (route) {
// Actions and functions
// Function to register to use in controllers or actions
register: function (elefrant) {
// Actions and functions
Default config files for the component.
To allow users customize the config files, you should allow to create a file in general config folder. Will be easy to change. For example: elefrant/config/nameOfComponent.js
Create all the needed libraries.
Create test files
Just put in the console: npm test
MIT © Elefrant