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module: Documentation
module: Documentation
Relates to commands in the documentation group.
module: Informational
module: Informational
Relates to commands in the informational group.
module: Moderation
module: Moderation
Relates to commands in the moderation group.
module: RFCs
module: RFCs
priority: Critical
priority: Critical
The issue is urgent.
priority: High
priority: High
The issue is important.
priority: Low
priority: Low
The issue is insignificant.
priority: Medium
priority: Medium
The issue is significant.
status: Accepted
status: Accepted
It's going to be worked on, sooner or later.
status: Awaiting Input
status: Awaiting Input
It needs input from other contributors.
status: Blocked
status: Blocked
It's blocked by some other issue/change.
status: Completed
status: Completed
It's done!
status: Duplicate
status: Duplicate
It's already been brought up.
status: In Progress
status: In Progress
It's currently being worked on.
status: Invalid
status: Invalid
status: Needs More Info
status: Needs More Info
It's not enough info. to understand the issue.
status: Needs Review
status: Needs Review
It's in need of a review.
status: On Hold
status: On Hold
It's been started but is temporarily on hold.
status: PR Welcome
status: PR Welcome
It's something you could help with.
status: Won't Fix
status: Won't Fix
It's not going to happen. :(
tag: Beta Issue
tag: Beta Issue
An issue that came up during the private beta.
tag: DX
tag: DX
An issue that relates to Developer Experience.
tag: Good First Issue
tag: Good First Issue
An issue that's great for new contributors.
tag: Mobile-only
tag: Mobile-only
An issue that only occurs on mobile Discord.
type: Breaking
type: Breaking
Some things will break if this is merged.
type: Bug
type: Bug
Something isn't working properly.
type: Dependencies
type: Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
type: Discussion
type: Discussion
Something which needs discussion.
type: Enhancement
type: Enhancement
Something existing will be improved.
type: Feature
type: Feature
Something entirely new will be added.