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make the dynamic spectrum for interested target from model-subtracted ASKAP visibilities



  • CASA 6.1.0-118
  • python-casacore
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • astropy
  • argparse


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Then simply clone the repo

git clone [email protected]:Elle-WANG/dyspectra.git

You can always use git pull to get up-to-date version.

Quick Usage

Following the steps:

  1. re-center the phase to target position of the visibility file
  2. Average the baseline (exclude short baseline to reduce RFI)
  3. Read the telescope correlation data, and calculate the stokes data (and plot)

Recenter the phase

Re-center the phase screen to the target position, mainly depend on

The recommend phase center format is J052348.6-712552.5 (the source name), but the format could be

  • phasecenter = 'J2000 19h53m50 40d06m00'
  • phasecenter = 'B1950 292.5deg -40.0deg'
  • phasecenter = 'ICRS 13:05:27.2780 -'
  • phasecenter = 'GALACTIC 47.5rad -60.22rad'


casa --log2term --nogui -c /import/data/ J184536.94-645149.55

The output vis file (with suffix of would save into the same folder of original ms file

Average baselines

CASA scripts. Average data over all baselines, with default uv range >200m.


casa --log2term --nogui -c /import/data/

The output vis file (with suffix of would save into the same folder of original ms file

Generate and plot dynamic spectrum

Python scripts. Generate several pickle file to save telescope correlation data and stokes data. Plot the dynamic spectrum for each stokes (I, Q, U, V).

Note the Q, U defination may be different from other conventions. The default setup is pol_axis=-45, check QU calculation for more details.


python /import/data/

The default output files and plots are to save into current directory, you can specify it use --outdir /import/new/folder/

To plot imagary part (the default is real part), specify --imag

The scripts will automatically calculate the rms level (the standard deviation of imagary component), and plot the cmap in 1 sigma level. You can specify different rms level to generate the plot --clim 0.2

The scripts will automatically show the figures during processing. You can use --noshow to drop them out.

Output files

  1. dyspec_times.pkl: time series of the observation, unit of seconds. Can convert it to human readable format by

    import numpy as np
    from astropy.time import Time
    times = np.load("dyspec_times.pkl", allow_pickle=True)
    new_times = Time(times / 24 / 3600, format='mjd', scale='utc')
    new_times.format = 'iso'
  2. dyspec_freqs.pkl: frequency series of the observation, unit of Hz.

  3. dyspec_corr_XX.pkl, dyspec_corr_XY.pkl, dyspec_corr_YX.pkl, dyspec_corr_YY.pkl: telescope correlation data, read from subtracted visibility

  4. dyspec_stokes_I.pkl, dyspec_stokes_Q.pkl, dyspec_stokes_U.pkl, dyspec_stokes_V.pkl: telescope stokes intensity, calculated from correlation data. Note the default roll axis is -45 deg for ASKAP, but it could be different from different observations.

  5. dyspec_plot_I.png, dyspec_plot_Q.png, dyspec_plot_U.png, dyspec_plot_V.png: the dyname spectrum for each stokes

Other tools

Rebin the dynamic spectrum

Python scripts, to bin the dynamic spectrum for any time and frequency resolution.

Need the outputs from scripts (e.g., dyspec_stokes_I.pkl, dyspec_times.pkl).


python --tbin 4 --fbin 4

The default base folder is the current directory, but you can specify it use --base /import/data/J164622.64-440533.4/. The default output folder is the current directory, but you can specify it use '--outdir' as well.

The --tbin and --fbin specified the number of bins you want to combined.

The scripts will automatically save the bined dynamic spectrum, the lightcurve, and the spectrum.

You can plot the dynamic spectrum from imagary part using --imag, but it can only plot real part for the lightcurve and spectrum.

QU calculation

Linear polarization depends on the roll axis angle of the telescope, for ASKAP the most common roll axis = -45 deg, which means U is reversed compare to normal CASA calculation.

This script will give you correct Q/U results based on the roll axis. The roll axis for specific observation can be found in

  • find the specific SBID
  • click the SBID and Parset
  • find = [pa_fixed, 0.0] (that means pol_axis = 0.0 deg)


python 0.0


  1. Plot specific time range, e.g. --time "2019APR30:14:04:15,2019APR30:14:05:15"


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