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Privacy PolicyWelcome to Floreta (the “Platform”). The Platform isprovided and controlled by Floreta Inc. (“Floreta”, “we” or“us”). We are committed to protecting and respecting yourprivacy. Capitalized terms that are not defined in thispolicy have the meaning given to them in Terms ofService.What information do we collect?We collect information when you create an account and usethe Platform, such as your contact details, content youcreate, and your location. We also collect information youshare with us from third-party social network providers,and technical and behavioral information about your use ofthe Platform. We also collect information contained in themessages you send through our Platform and informationfrom your phone book, if you grant us access to your phonebook on your mobile device.Information you choose to provideFor certain activities, such as when you register, uploadcontent to the Platform, or contact us directly, you mayprovide some or all of the following information: ● ​Registration information, such as age, language, andemail or phone number● ​Profile information, such as name, social mediaaccount information, and profile image● ​User-generated content, including comments,photographs, videos, and virtual item videos that youchoose to upload or broadcast on the Platform (“UserContent”)● ​Payment information, such as PayPal or otherthird-party payment information (where required for thepurpose of payment)● ​Your phone and social network contacts, with yourpermission. If you choose to find other users throughyour phone contacts, we will assess and collect thenames and phone numbers and match that informationagainst existing users of the Platform. If you choose tofind other users through your social network contacts,we will collect your public profile information as wellas names and profiles of your social contacts● ​Your opt-in choices andcommunication preferences● ​Information to verify an account such as aform of identification● ​Information in correspondence you send to us● ​Information you share through surveys or yourparticipation in challenges, sweepstakes, or contestssuch as your gender, age, likeness, and preferences.Information we obtain from other sourcesWe may receive information about you from other sources.For example, if you choose to link or sign up using yoursocial network (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, orGoogle), we may collect information from these third-partyservices, including your contact lists for these services andinformation relating to your use of the Platform in relationto these services.We will also receive information about you (including agedata and demographic information) from third parties (suchas advertising networks and analytics providers) and fromother sources, including business directories and othercommercially or publicly available sources.Information we collect automaticallyWe automatically collect certain information from youwhen you use the Platform, including your IP address,location-related data (as described below), unique deviceidentifiers, browsing history (including content you haveviewed in the Platform), Cookies (as defined below), your mobile carrier, time zone setting, and mobile or deviceinformation including the model of your device, screenresolution, operating system, app and file names and types,and platform.Usage InformationWe collect information regarding your use of thePlatform and any other User Content that you generatethrough and broadcast on our Platform. We also link yoursubscriber information with your activity on our Platformacross all your devices using your email, phone number,or similar information.Order HistoryPurchases made on our platform are recorded forimproving the experience of the users.Location dataWe collect information about your location, includinglocation information based on your SIM card and/or IPaddress. With your permission, we may also collectGlobal Positioning System (GPS) data. MetadataWhen you upload User Content, you automatically uploadcertain metadata that is connected to the User Content.Metadata describes other data and provides informationabout your User Content that will not always be evident tothe viewer. In connection with your User Content themetadata can describe how, when, and by whom the pieceof User Content was collected and how that content isformatted. It also includes information, such as youraccount name,thatenablesotheruserstotracebackthevideotoyouruseraccount.Additionally,metadatawillconsistofdatathatyouchosetoprovidewiththevideo,e.g.anyhashtagsusedtomarkkeywordstothevideoandcaptions.CookiesWe and our vendors and service providers use cookies andother similar technologies (e.g. web beacons, flashcookies, etc.) (“Cookies”) to automatically collectinformation, measure and analyze which web pages youclick on and how you use the Platform, enhance yourexperience using the Platform, improve our services, andprovide you with targeted advertising on the Platform and elsewhere across your different devices. Cookies are smallfiles which, when placed on your device, enable thePlatform to provide certain features and functionality.Web beacons are very small images or small pieces of dataembedded in images, also known as “pixel tags” or “clearGIFs,” that can recognize Cookies, the time and date apage is viewed, a description of the page where the pixeltag is placed, and similar information from your computeror device. By using the Platform, you consent to our use ofCookies.Additionally, we allow our business partners, advertisingnetworks, and other advertising vendors and serviceproviders (including analytics vendors and serviceproviders) to collect information about your onlineactivities through Cookies. We link your contact orsubscriber information with your activity on our Platformacross all your devices, using your email or other log-in ordevice information. These third parties may use thisinformation to display advertisements on our Platform andelsewhere online tailored to your interests, preferences,and characteristics. We are not responsible for the privacypractices of these third parties, and the informationpractices of these third parties are not covered by thisPrivacy Policy. How we use your informationWe use your information to fulfill and enforce ourTerms of Service, to improve and administer thePlatform, and to allow you to use its functionalities. Wemay also use your information to, among other things,show you suggestions, promote the Platform, andcustomize your ad experience.We generally use theinformation we collect:● ​to fulfill requests for products, services, Platformfunctionality, support and information for internaloperations, including troubleshooting, data analysis,testing, research, statistical, and survey purposes and tosolicit your feedback●​tocustomizethecontentyouseewhenyouusethePlatform.Forexample,wemayprovideyouwithservicesbasedonthecountrysettingsyouhavechosenorshowyoucontentthatissimilartocontentthatyouliked or interacted with● ​to send promotional materials from us or on behalf ofour affiliates and trusted third parties● ​to improve and develop our Platform and conduct product development● ​to measure and understand the effectiveness of theadvertising we serve to you and others and to delivertargeted advertising● ​to make suggestions and acustomized ad experience● ​to support the social functions of the Platform,including to permit you and other users to connectwith each other through the Platform and for you andother users to share, download, and otherwise interactwith User Content posted through the Platform● ​to use User Content as part of our advertising andmarketing campaigns to promote the Platform● ​to help us detect abuse, fraud, and illegalactivity on the Platform● ​to ensure that you are old enough to use thePlatform (as required by law)● ​to communicate with you, including to notify youabout changes in our services● ​to announce you as the winner of our contest,sweepstakes, or promotions if permitted by thepromotion rule, and to send you any applicable prizes● ​to enforce our terms, conditions,and policies● ​consistent with your permissions, to provide you with location-based services, such as advertising and otherpersonalized content● ​to inform ouralgorithms● ​to combine all the information we collect or receiveabout you for any of the foregoing purposes● ​for any other purposes disclosed to you at the time wecollect your information or pursuant to your consent.How we share your informationWe are committed to maintaining your trust, and we wantyou to understand when and with whom we may share theinformation we collect. We will share your informationwith the following selected third parties:● ​Authorized third-party vendors and serviceproviders. ​We share your information with third-partyvendors and service providers that help us perform ourbusiness operations, including research, paymentprocessing and transaction fulfillment, databasemaintenance, contest administration, technologyservices, deliveries, email deployment, advertising,analytics, measurement, data storage and hosting, disaster recovery, search engine optimization,marketing, and data processing.● ​Business partners. ​We may share your informationwith our business partners so that we can make youspecial offers via the Platform.● ​Corporate group. ​We may share your informationwith a parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of ourcorporate group.● ​Business transfers. ​We may share yourinformation in connection with a substantialcorporate transaction, such as the sale of a website, amerger, consolidation, asset sale, or in the unlikelyevent of bankruptcy.● ​Legal purposes. ​We may disclose information torespond to subpoenas, court orders, legal process, lawenforcement requests, legal claims or governmentinquiries, and to protect and defend the rights, interests,safety, and security of Floreta Inc, our affiliates, users,or the public.● ​Advertisers. ​We give advertisers reports about thetypes of people seeing their ads and how their ads areperforming.● ​With your consent. ​We may share information forany other purposes disclosed to you at the time wecollect the information or pursuant to your consent. If you access third-party services, such as Facebook,Google, or Twitter, to login to the Platform or to shareinformation about your usage on the Platform with others,these third-party services may be able to collectinformation about you, including information about youractivity on the Platform, and they may notify yourconnections on the third-party services about your use ofthe Platform, in accordance with their privacy policies.If you choose to engage in public activities on thePlatform, you should be aware that any information youshare may be read, collected, or used by other users. Youshould use caution in disclosing personal information whileengaging. We are not responsible for the information youchoose to submit.Your Choices● ​You may be able to refuse or disable Cookies byadjusting your browser settings. Because each browser isdifferent, please consult the instructions provided byyour browser. Please note that you may need to take additional steps to refuse or disable certain types ofCookies. For example, due to differences in howbrowsers and mobile apps function, you may need totake different steps to opt out of Cookies used fortargeted advertising in a browser and to opt out oftargeted advertising for a mobile application, which youmay control through your device settings or mobile apppermissions. In addition, your opt-out selection isspecific to the particular browser or device that you areusing when you opt out, so you may need to opt-outseparately for each of browser or device. If you chooseto refuse, disable, or delete Cookies, some of thefunctionality of the Platform may no longer be availableto you.● ​You can manage third-party advertising preferencesfor some of the third parties we work with to serveadvertising across the Internet by clicking here and byutilizing the choices available at● ​Your mobile device may include a feature that allowsyou to opt out of some types of targeted advertising("Limit Ad Tracking" on iOS and "Opt out ofInterest-Based Ads" on Android). ● ​You can opt out of marketing or advertising emailsby utilizing the “unsubscribe” link or mechanismnoted in marketing or advertising emails.● ​You can switch off GPS location informationfunctionality on your mobile device if you do notwish to share GPS information.● ​If you have registered for an account you may access,review, and update certain personal information that youhave provided to us by logging into your account andusing available features and functionalities.● ​Some browsers transmit "do-not-track" signals towebsites. Because of differences in how browsersincorporate and activate this feature, it is not alwaysclear whether users intend for these signals to betransmitted, or whether they even are aware of them.We currently do not take action in response to thesesignals.SecurityWe use reasonable measures to help protect informationfrom loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access,disclosure, alteration, and destruction. You shouldunderstand that no data storage system or transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network can beguaranteed to be 100 percent secure. Please note thatinformation collected by third parties may not have thesame security protections as information you submit to us,and we are not responsible for protecting the security ofsuch information.ChangesWe may update this Privacy Policy from time to time.When we update the Privacy Policy, we will notify youby updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of thispolicy and posting the new Privacy Policy and providingany other notice required by applicable law. Werecommend that you review the Privacy Policy each timeyou visit the Platform to stay informed of our privacypractices.


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