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The octoPus is the first digital organism, released as a console application, that assists users in predicting and interpreting grapevine downy mildew (Plasmopora viticola) primary infections. The source code of the octoPus is written in C# and is freely available for use through proper citation and licensing. This git repository contains the code and the instructions to smoothly run it. The octoPus has two eyes, the grapevine phenology and susceptibility models, eight tentacles, representing eight P. viticola primary infection models, a brain, which is a Random Forest (RF) model, and a voice, a Large Language Model (LLM) that interprets the results of all the other organs and returns an user-supportive textual message.
The console application is structured in multiple folders, each containing either input files or classes and processes serving specific purposes.
- The Files folder contains the input files that are needed to run the model: weather data and two parameter files.
- The weather file(s) should be named like the following "name-of-location.csv" and can be either a daily or hourly weather series.
- The first parameter file (hostSusceptibilityParameters.csv) is used to codify the BBCH phases of grapevine.
- The second parameter file (octoPusParameters.csv) is needed to parameterize the eight primary infection models.
- The LLM folder contains the LLama LLM file and will have to be created by the user after cloning the repository.
- The ModelCaller folder contains the call to Llama, the pre-trained RF model, and the code to iterate through the weather data.
- Models stores the Datatype classes and the calls to the eight epidemiology and the phenology models (in the Models folder).
- Readers stores the pipelines to read the parametes, the .JSON configuration file, the console icon, and the entry point main method (Program.cs).
This document will guide users through the steps needed to successfully run octoPus on their machines. First, the Required packages and extensions needed to run the console app will be expained in detail. Then, the inputs required and their structure will be analysed together with the user customizations in Inputs and customization. This Git repository is a supplement to the scientific article "Releasing the octoPus, an open-source digital tool to promote Integrated Pest Management" (DOI: ............), published on ............., in which the octoPus is introduced, calibrated, and tested in Italy. Another publication on SoftwareX "octoPus: an open-source software for supporting farmers in the control of grapevine downy mildew" (DOI:............) delves into the technical details of the console application.
The octoPus works on Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems and requires a series of programs, packages, and extensions to run.
- .NET core ≥ 7.0
Please visit this link to download or update .NET core. - R version ≥ R-4.3.2
Please download the R version compatible to your operating system (windows, macOS, or Linux). - Llama Large Language Model ≥ Meta-Llama-3
Please visit this link to download the latest Llama version from huggingface.co or at this link from the Meta website. Once downloaded, create a folder called LLM as shown in Folder structure and store the downloaded file in it.
The following dependencies and packages are used. The octoPus includes code lines to automatically download them if not pre isntalled in the system. Visit the links to find more information on each dependency or package used.
- .NET libraries:
- R packages:
The octoPus needs to be fed with weather series in .csv format to run. Weather data are stored by default in "octoPusAI/Files/Weather". It requires hourly or daily data for temperature (°C), precipitation (mm), relative humidity (%), and leaf wetness (%). An example of a hourly weather series for the Italian city of Bergamo is provided below. If daily data are used, hourly series are estimated from daily maximum and minimum temperatures.
Column [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ] are fixed in both the daily and hourly datasets and represent the site, year, month, and day. In the hourly dataset the hour is in column [ 4 ], and columns [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ] are respectively the hourly temperature (°C), precipitation (mm), radiation, relative humidity (%), and leaf wetness (0-1). The daily datset only needs maximum [ 4 ] and minimum [ 5 ] temperatures (°C), and daily precipitation (mm) [ 6 ]. All other variables are estimated from these three. Multiple weather files, with the same temporal resolution, can be used to perform simultaneous analysis on different locations by uploading them in the dedicated folder ("octoPusAI/Files/Weather") but some steps are required in the JSON configuration file. Once the climate data are ready, attention should be given to the host susceptibility parameterization.
Host susceptibility data are stored by default in "octoPusAI/Files/parametersData/hostSusceptibilityParameters.csv". This .csv file is composed of two columns: BBCH [ 0 ] and susceptibility [ 1 ].
The file classifies the susceptibility of crucial grapevine BBCH phases (from budbreak, BBCH 11, to maturity, BBCH 89) in column [ 0 ] by assigning to them a score (column [ 1 ]) through a linear interpolation of expert-based opinions obtained from a survey circulated among Italian extension services (see Bregaglio et al., 2022). BBCH phases and their susceptibility scores can be modified by the users. This done, the models can be parameterized according to specific use cases.
The models configuration is stored by default in "octoPusAI/Files/parametersData/octoPusParameters.csv". In this .csv file the parameters specific to each of the ten models (the eight primary infection models, the phenological model, and the susceptibility model) can be modified. The class column [ 0 ] contains the name of the model and column [ 1 ] is the specific parameter. These two columns should not be modified. Columns [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] represent respectively the minimum and the maximum values, and the actual value to be used in the simulation. Column [ 5 ] is the measurement unit of each specific parameter.
For an exaustive description of each model routine and their parameters we refer to the Supplementary material S1 of Bregaglio et al., 2024.
The JSON file can be found in "octoPusAI/Readers/octoPus.json" and it allows to fine-tune additional settings of the octoPus. The JSON file is divided in three classes: one used to define model settings, one to explicit filepaths, and one to personalize the console colors. Below is reported the structure of the JSON file with example values and a brief explanation of each attribute.
"settings": {
"startYear": 2020,
"endYear": 2020,
"sites": [ "Bergamo.csv" ],
"assistantRisk": 8,
"veryHighModelsThreshold": 8,
"WeatherTimeStep": "hourly",
"colorScale": "Viridis",
"consoleTextColor": "Magenta",
"consoleBackgroundColor": "Blue"
"paths": {
"weatherDir": "..\\..\\..\\files\\weather",
"octoPusParametersPath": "..\\..\\..\\files\\Parameters\\octoPusParameters.csv",
"susceptibilityFileBBCH": "..\\..\\..\\files\\Parameters\\hostSusceptibilityParameters.csv",
"outputDir": "..\\..\\..\\outputs\\",
"LLMfile": "..\\.\\..\\..\\LLM\\Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-correct-pre-tokenizer-and-EOS-token-Q8_0.gguf",
"Rversion": "R-4.4.2"
"colorScales": {
"Viridis": [ "DarkMagenta", "DarkBlue", "Cyan", "Green", "Yellow" ],
"Cividis": [ "DarkBlue", "Blue", "Gray", "Yellow", "DarkYellow" ],
"Magma": [ "Black", "DarkMagenta", "Magenta", "Red", "Yellow" ],
"Plasma": [ "DarkMagenta", "Magenta", "Red", "DarkYellow", "Yellow" ],
"Turbo": [ "DarkMagenta", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Red" ],
"Grayscale": [ "White", "Gray", "DarkGray", "Black", "Black" ],
"Traditional": [ "Green", "Yellow", "DarkYellow", "Red", "DarkRed" ],
"ColorblindFriendly": [ "Blue", "Cyan", "Gray", "Yellow", "White" ],
"Heatmap": [ "Black", "DarkRed", "Red", "Yellow", "White" ],
"Cool": [ "DarkBlue", "Blue", "Cyan", "Green", "White" ]
Inside the settings class, the "startYear" and "endYear" of the simulation should be inserted as int. The "sites" is a list that contains the filenames of the weather data files for which the model should run (only the files written in the square brackets, separated by a comma, will be used as input weather data and for each of them an output file will be produced). "assistantRisk" (is an int from 0 to 5, corresponding to very low, low, medium, high, and very high) defines the daily level of risk at which the LLM assistant is called in the routine and "veryHighModelsThreshold" (again as an int, from 0 to 8) is the required number of models that predict very high risk needed to classify that day as a very high risk of infection day. The "WeatherTimeStep" property accepts strings that are either "daily" or "hourly" and should match the format of the weather data used. "colorScale" allows users to personalize the colors of the five risk classes selecting from a list of pre-defined color combinations, "consoleTextColor" changes the color of the printed console text, and "consoleBackgroundColor" modifies the background color of the console.
The paths class explicitly defines the paths of input and output files. Noticeable are the two properties "LLMfile" and "Rversion". The first one defines the location and the name of the LLM file, which is not provided in this repository therefore should be created by the user before running the app (see section Required packages and extensions for the instructions on how to download Llama). "Rversion" is a string that specifies the R version currently installed on the machine and it is required to run the RF model.
Finally, the colorScales class contains the ten default color scales that can be selected through the "colorScale" property. Among these, the "ColorblindFriendly" property contains an accessible color scale for color-blind people, but users can modify them or add new ones according to likings/needs. To add a new color scale, a new property should be created inside the colorScales class separating it with a comma from the already existing ones, followed by a colon (:) and a list of five colors wrapped in squared brackets and separated by commas (e.g., "personalized1" : ["blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red"]).
After having completed this last step, the model is ready to be run with the specified user settings. Launch it and enjoy the octoPus at work!!
\(^^)/ ° ~ |_(°°)_| ~ ° _(--)_ ° ~ ~(^^)~ ° ~ _(°°)_ ° ~ ~(**)~ ° ~ \(^^)/ ° ~ |_(°°)_| ~ ° _(--)_ ° ~ ~(^^)~ ° ~ _(°°)_ ° ~ ~(**)~
((())) ~ ° (()) ° ~ |||||| ~ ° ((())) ~ ° //()\\ ~ ° ((())) ~ ° ((())) ~ ° (()) ° ~ |||||| ~ ° ((())) ~ ° //()\\ ~ ° ((()))
Show your appreciation to those who have contributed to the project.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Bregaglio, S., Savian, F., Raparelli, E., Morelli, D., Epifani, R., Pietrangeli, F., Nigro, C., Bugiani, R., Pini, S., Culatti, P., Tognetti, D., Spanna, F., Gerardi, M., Delillo, I., Bajocco, S., Fanchini, D., Fila, G., Ginaldi, F., Manici, L.M., 2022. Journal of Environmental Management 317, 115365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115365