Homework 4 for Robotics Lab 2024/2025
First build all the packages by using:
colcon build --packages-select aruco aruco_msgs aruco_ros rl_fra2mo_description ros2_opencv
In each terminal you open, source the install directory:
source install/setup.bash
Run the following command:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description gazebo_fra2mo.launch.py
NOTE: to visualize the view of the camera we placed, run:
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
and select the /videocamera topic
In the first terminal run:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description rviz_gazebo.launch.py
In another terminal launch:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description fra2mo_explore.launch.py
In the last terminal run:
ros2 run rl_fra2mo_description follow_waypoints.py
In the first terminal run:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description rviz_gazebo.launch.py
By defualt, if you run:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description fra2mo_explore.launch.py
will be selected low values for the slam parameters and medium values for the explore parameters.
If you want change the configurations, run:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description fra2mo_explore.launch.py slam_config_type:="medium" explore_config_type:="low"
This command selects medium values for the slam parameters and low values for the explore parameters.
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description fra2mo_explore.launch.py slam_config_type:="high" explore_config_type:="default"
This command selects high values for the slam parameters and medium values for the explore parameters.
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description fra2mo_explore.launch.py slam_config_type:="high" explore_config_type:="high"
This command selects high values for the slam parameters and high values for the explore parameters.
In general, the following terminal values can be provided for the slam_config_type parameter: -defualt -medium -high
For the explore_config_type parameter, the following terminal values can be provided: -defualt -low -high
In the first terminal run:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description rviz_gazebo.launch.py
In another terminal launch:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description nav_aruco.launch.py
In another terminal run:
ros2 run rl_fra2mo_description vision_based_navigation.py
In another terminal, to check whether the robot is actually detecting the marker, run:
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
and select as topic: aruco_single/result.
In the first terminal run:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description rviz_gazebo.launch.py
In second terminal, run:
ros2 launch rl_fra2mo_description nav_aruco.launch.py
To move the mobile robot close to obstacle 9 so that it can see the Aruco Marker with the camera, run:
ros2 run rl_fra2mo_description go_to_aruco.py
In another terminal, to check whether the robot is actually detecting the marker, run:
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
and select as topic: aruco_single/result.
In another terminal run:
ros2 run rl_fra2mo_description aruco_to_map
In the last terminal, to see the transformation published by the node, run:
ros2 topic echo /aruco_to_map
NOTES: After running the command provided above, as soon as Gazebo opens, PRESS THE PLAY BUTTON in the lower left corner!!!