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EnMAP-Box Documentation

This repository contains the EnMAP-Box Documentation hosted in


The packages in requirements.txt need to be installed:

pip install --upgrade --user -r

Maintenance scripts in /scripts may require additional packages from PyQGIS and the EnMAP-Box source code. They may require that:

  • a PyQGIS environment is available, i.e. you can run import qgis

  • the EnMAP-Box source code repository (enmap-box) is either

    a) installed into the same folder



    b) specified by the environmental variable ENMAPBOX_REPO=<repositories>/enmap-box


The main branch contains corresponds to the develop branch of the EnMAP-Box source code ( will be changed to main after the EnMAP-Box source code to github.)

Release branches, e.g. release_3.10 contain the documentation related to the corresponding EnMAP-Box versions as they are released in the QGIS plugin repository.

Files and Folders

Folder Content
source Documentation files (*.rst)
scripts Maintenance scripts, e.g. to generate *.rst files
snippets Python snippets, e.g. to create widgets for screenshots

How to contribute?

Everyone can contribute to this documentation using git pull-requests. If you never have used git before, we recommend to read a basic git tutorial first, e.g. or

  1. Create a fork of this repository (hereafter referred as enmap-box-documentation-fork).

  2. Clone & checkout your fork on your local computer:

    • https: git clone
    • ensure that the packages in requirements.txt are installed to your python environment, e.g. running python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Change the EnMAP-Box documentation.

    • E.g. add a new tutorial *.rst files to /source/usr_section/application_tutorials
    • It is recommended to use a proper IDE like PyCharm or text editor for your modifications
  4. Inspect your changes in a browser:

    • run (linux) make html, or (windows) make.bat html to create the webpage's html files to build/html
    • start a local server that hosts the html files: Windows: python -m http.server build\html Linux: python -m http.server build/html
    • open the webpage in your local browser using the URL http://localhost:8000/
  5. Commit your changes with message that describe what you have done, e.g. added tutorial XY or corrected typos.

  6. Push your changes to your remote repository

  7. Repeat the previous steps if you need to add further modifications

  8. When done, publish your modifications in the official EnMAP-Box documentation creating a pull request.

Build the documentation

  • open a bash shell and run ./scripts/ (windows/linux bash shell), or
  • run (linux) make html, or (windows) make.bat html, or
  • run sphinx-autobuild


Substitute allow you to "recycle" code definitions

  1. Define a substitute in source/substitutions_manual.txt. E.g. write .. |my_icon| image:: img/icons/myicon.png
  2. Use ``|my_icon|` in any *.rst file you like.
  3. Run python scripts/ to append the |my_icon| to any *.rst file where it is used
  4. Run make.bat html to build the documentation.