These are the dotfiles I use on most workstations.
I am writing a book on how I use this with Fedora Sway Atomic.
Fedora Sway Atomic is a good base layer to start with. It includes the basic essential binaries:
- Sway
- Waybar
- Rofi
- Foot
- Grimshot
## Rename existing configs to .orig, for posterity:
mv ~/.config ~/.config.orig
mv ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.orig
mv ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile.orig
## Clone the new config repo:
git clone \
cd ~/git/vendor/enigmacurry/sway-home
## Run setup script:
The keys labled on a modern PC keyboards do not have the same names in Emacs, nor on the original Space Cadet keyboard. This configuiration remaps the keys in the following manner:
- The PC
Caps lock
key is remapped to function asControl
. - The PC
Windows Logo
key uses the default map ofSuper
, but is remapped asMod3
in i3/sway, and is hidden from all other apps. - The PC
key on the left side, is remapped toHyper
, also known asMod4
in i3/sway. (Note: Emacs 29 falsely recognizes this key asSuper
, but since the realSuper
key is masked by Sway, this works out fine.)
Sway uses the following xkb files to perform the remapping of the keyboard:
This is a modification from the emacsnotes xkb guide, Thank you!