This repo contains modules and scripts for maintaning the Ensembl genebuild meta database.
Currently, this repo contains both Perl and Python modules and/or scripts for adding assembly records to the database
To add a new assembly to the database, you need to have the required PERL5LIB for running the genebuild annotation pipeline in your path
In addition to the listed python packages (see requirements.txt), you will need to have biopython installed either locally or centrally and set in your path
We recommend that you clone all the repositories into one directory
Repository name | branch | URL |
ensembl | default | |
ensembl-hive | default | |
ensembl-compara | release/98 | |
ensembl-production | default | |
ensembl-taxonomy | default | |
ensembl-orm | default | |
ensembl-killlist | default | |
ensembl-datacheck | default | |
ensembl-metadata | default | |
ensembl-io | default | |
For each of these repository, you will need to install their dependencies using the cpanfile provided in their Git repositories
You can use the Ensembl git commands and run the following command to clone the repositories
git ensembl --clone genebuild
Repository name | branch | URL |
ensembl-genes | default | |
You will need to create the virtual environment:
using the requirements.txt file; it needs to be activated for the pipeline to run
If you are not part of the Ensembl Genebuild team, you will need to set some shell environment variables to avoid having to provide the information to the configuration files. We will assume you are using your home directory
Variable | Value | Hive configuration parameter | Description |
ENSCODE | $HOME | -enscode_root_dir | Directory path where you cloned all the Perl repositories |
ENSEMBL_SOFTWARE_HOME | $HOME | -software_base_path | Directory where pyenv, plenv and linuxbrew are installed |
LINUXBREW_HOME | $HOME/.linuxbrew | -linuxbrew_home_path | Base directory for your Linuxbrew installation |
PYTHONPATH | $HOME/ensembl-genes/ensembl_genes_metadata:$HOME/ensembl-genes/ensembl_genes:$HOME/ensembl-hive/wrappers/python3/ | It needs to be set until the package can be installed properly |
We currently use MySQL databases to store our data. To avoid having to do many changes to the configuration files we recommend having one read-only user and one read-write user. It is also better to use different servers for keeping fail-safe copies of the database.
There is a main configuration file, Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::PipeConfig::AssemblyRegistrationConf
, which will generate a set of analyses to:
- sync genebuild entries between the meta database and the production portal
- check for new eukaryotic genomes
- check and update assembly names and refseq accessions
- backup meta database when new eukaryotic genomes become available
- register new genomes
- copy and restore updated database across fail-safe servers
The whole system is explained in more details below
You will need to activate the genebuild virtual environment
pyenv activate genebuild-metadb
If you are operating within an environment prepared for Ensembl with the assembly registry you can use the $ENSCODE/ensembl-genes-metadata/src/perl/Bio/EnsEMBL/Pipeline/PipeConfig/
You would need to edit $ENSCODE/ensembl-genes-metadata/config/registry.ini
Note: The registry.ini file is the configuration file that contains the genbank accessions and the database connection settings.
Then you can run
perl $ENSCODE/ensembl-hive/scripts/ $ENSCODE/ensembl-genes-metadata/src/perl/Bio/EnsEMBL/Pipeline/PipeConfig/ -output_path <writable location>
To start the pipeline you need the URL to your pipeline database which will be provided when running the script. If you initialised the pipeline automatically, you need to look at the commands displayed on screen at the end of the initialisation.
export EHIVE_URL=mysql://readwrite_user:password@host:port/dbname
You can now start the pipeline with
perl $ENSCODE/ensembl-hive/scripts/ -url $EHIVE_URL -loop
If you only want to run some analyses, you can run
perl $ENSCODE/ensembl-hive/scripts/ -url $EHIVE_URL -loop -analyses_pattern 1..5
To follow the pipeline steps, it is better to use GuiHive, a graphical interface to ensembl-hive, which allows you to change parameters, debug your problems and much more
You should first look at the job tab to know the reason of the failure
- Insufficient memory: you can either use a different resource or add a new one more suited to your needs
- Error in the code: I'm afraid you will need to do proper debugging
Once you are happy with your fix, you would need to reset the jobs with
perl $ENSCODE/ensembl-hive/scripts/ -url $EHIVE_URL -reset_failed_jobs
and restart the pipeline
By default ensembl-hive redirect all output to /dev/null
unless you used some logging parameters.
You will need to run the problematic job with runWorker. First you will need to retrieve the job id using GuiHive or the pipeline database. Then you can run
perl $ENSCODE/ensembl-hive/scripts/ -url $EHIVE_URL -debug 1 -job_id XX
Using a higher value for -debug
is usually not useful as it is mostly seen as a boolean flag.
It will reference the production portal to identify all live databases linked to the current Ensembl release. These databases are then queried to obtain meta information such as the genebuild method, genebuild completion date and genome accession. The retrieved meta data is checked against all pending genebuilds and when a match is found, the pending genebuild status is updated.
When a database appears to be present both in Rapid and Main sites, the released server is set to Main
It checks the public archives for any new eukaryotic genome since the last meta database update. If it finds one, an output file containing all new accessions and meta database configuration settings is created.
This checks for any changes in the Refseq and assembly name values of existing assemblies.
All updated assemblies are reported via Slack
All new assemblies obtained earlier are processed for storage in the database.
All new assemblies are reported via Slack
Depending on whether the new assembly comes from an already existing species or not, there may be need to create and assign or reuse a unique prefix and stable id space range to the assembly record.
When the meta database gets updated, copies are taken and restored across fail-safe servers
To start the pipeline you need the URL to your pipeline database which will be provided when running the script. If you initialised the pipeline automatically, you need to look at the command file created in your working_dir
directory to retrieve the information.
export EHIVE_URL=mysql://readwrite_user:password@host:port/dbname
You can now start the pipeline with
perl $ENSCODE/ensembl-hive/scripts/ -url $EHIVE_URL -loop
If you only want to run some analyses, you can run
perl $ENSCODE/ensembl-hive/scripts/ -url $EHIVE_URL -loop -analyses_pattern 1..5
It queries the meta database to retrieve all assemblies with contig_N50 > 100000, having total gap length that is less than 30% of the genome.
When multiple assemblies exist for one species, it returns a list of one assembly per species.
It queries the ENA for any available transcriptomic data per species.
It returns a list of species with available data and those without
When no data is found at species level, it retries at the genus level
This check excludes single ended reads for short reads.
It downloads both short and long read data where available per species
The genomes of all assemblies earlier identified are downloaded and indexed, ready for alignment
Genomes are indexed using both Star and Minimap
All fastq files are subsampled randomly to a size of 50000 reads.
The subsampled read files are validated to ensure they confrom to standard fastq file requirements.
Also, the per base sequence quality is tested using Fastqc.
Reads not meeting the validation criteria or failing the per base sequence quality tests are discarded.
The reads that pass the prior validation steps are aligned against their corresponding genomes. Long reads are aligned using Minimap and short reads are aligned using Star.
Using arbitrary criteria such as percentage mapping quality, per base sequence quality, total read count per sample, the samples are classed as good, weak or unusable.
An assembly with five or more good samples gets a green status.
An assembly with more than one good or weak sample, with total read count greater than 100000000 gets an amber status.
An assembly not meeting either of the above gets a red status.