Releases: Ensembl/ensembl-vep
Bug fix:
- Fix method codon() in TranscriptVariationAllele: ensembl-variation/1131
- Fix transcript mismatch warning message: ensembl-vep/1788
- CADD plugin - same score for all alt alleles: VEP_plugins/749
- HGVSc for RefSeq transcripts - represent the alleles relative to the feature: ensembl-variation/1128
- Fix hgvsg for insertion with ref allele
: ensembl-variation/1124
New in version 113 (October 2024)
- gnomAD frequency data updated to v4.1 for both genomes and exomes.
- Support for GENCODE primary transcript set added. See, --gencode_primary and
--flag_gencode_primary. - Support added for --mane, --mane_select, and --canonical when GFF/GTF file used as annotation source.
- Nextflow VEP now suppots other input data formats besides VCF. For supported formats see - Data formats.
Plugin support added to REST and Web for:
Plugin support added to Web for:
Plugin support added to REST for:
Plugin data version updated for CADD (v1.6 to v1.7) and dbNSFP (4.5c to 4.7c).
New in version 112 (May 2024)
Enhanced Structural Variant Support:
- Added support for CNV:TR
- Enabled the use of chromosome synonyms in breakends
- Report consequences for each breakend and enable the input of single breakends
New plugins (supported on CLI, Web and REST):
- AlphaMissense - annotates missense variants with the pre-computed AlphaMissense pathogenicity scores. AlphaMissense is a deep learning model developed by Google DeepMind that predicts the pathogenicity of single nucleotide missense variants.
New plugins (supported on CLI and Web):
- RiboseqORFs - uses a standardized catalog of human Ribo-seq ORFs to re-calculate consequences for variants located in these translated regions
New plugins (supported on CLI):
- Paralogues - fetches variants overlapping the genomic coordinates of amino acids aligned between paralogue proteins
- AVADA - Automatic VAriant evidence DAtabase is a novel machine learning tool that uses natural language processing to automatically identify pathogenic genetic variant evidence in full-text primary literature about monogenic disease and convert it to genomic coordinates
- GeneBe - A plugin kindly contributed by the GeneBe team, it retrieves automatic ACMG variant classification data from
- PhenotypeOrthologous - A VEP plugin that retrieves phenotype information associated with orthologous genes from model organisms
Plugin support added to REST and Web for:
- CADD scores for Sus scrofa
- Dosage Sensitivity
- Enformer
New option --individual_zyg returns a single list of individuals and their zygosity (instead of a separate line of output for each individual and variant combination like in --individual)
Custom annotation has been improved with the following options:
num_records to limit the number of matching records (50 by default)
summary_stats to calculate summary statistics (min, mean, max, count, sum) using annotation scores (not used by default)
New plugins (supported on CLI, REST and web):
Enformer - adds pre-calculated predictions of variant impact on gene expression
BayesDel - adds a deleteriousness meta-score combining multiple deleteriousness predictors
OpenTargets - adds locus-to-gene (L2G) scores to predict causal genes at GWAS loci from Open Targets Genetics
New plugins (supported on CLI):
DeNovo - identifies de novo variants in a VCF file. This plugin requires a pedigree (.ped) file.
SpliceVault - predicts exon-skipping events and activated cryptic splice sites based on the most common mis-splicing events around a splice site
DosageSensitivity - annotates the likelihood of a gene being haploinsufficient or triplosensitive
VARITY - adds pre-calculated pathogenicity scores of rare human missense variants
- Misleading warning message about undefined variable. Reported in - #1457
New plugins (supported on CLI):
- TranscriptAnnotator - a VEP plugin that annotates variant-transcript pairs
New plugins (supported on CLI, REST and web):
- Geno2MP - adds information from Geno2MP, a web-accessible database of rare variant genotypes linked to phenotypic information
- MaveDB - adds information from MaveDB, a database that holds experimentally determined measures of variant effect
Structural variant (SV) annotation updates
- More detailed molecular consequence predictions
- More efficient integration of information from reference SV sets
- Support for breakend variant annotation
- Integration of CADD-SV scores
- Fixed test and installer issues stemming from ENV variables.
- Added checks for variable filtering coming from INI file and ENV variables.
- Fix auto assignment of
in installer script - Remove usage of deprecated parameter
in the installer script