This code is an improved nearest neighbor method for estimating differential entropy1 for continuous variables, invariant under change of variables, and positive. This approximation claim to solve the limiting density of discrete points formulated by Edwin Thompson Jaynes2. All the details of the estimation can be found on the paper3.
The main novelty is m(x) the invariante measure. We introduce a proposition to describe this measure3 with the following properties:
We found that the median value of the nearest-neighbor distance of each point is an appropriate measure for these properties.
The nearest-neighbor estimation was initialy adapted by G Varoquaux4 in python from this paper1.
In this package you can find other information theory quantities such as joint entropy, conditional entropy, mutual information, conditional mutual information and interaction of information. All based on a generalisation of limiting density of discrete points for more than one variable. This quantities are deduced from the chain rules (joint and relatives entropy decomposition).
Less common quantities can also be computed including redundancy, information quality ratio or normalized mutual information.
The methode for computing the entropy can also be specified.
method::String = "inv"
(optional): The method to use for entropy computation. Options are:"knn"
: k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) based entropy estimation."histogram"
: Histogram-based entropy estimation."inv"
: Invariant entropy estimation (default).
Example usage:
n = 1000
k = 3
p1 = rand(n)
println("Entropy invariant:")
println(entropy(p1, k=k, verbose=true))
println(entropy(1e5*p1.-123.465, k=k))
println(entropy(1e-5*p1.+654.321, k=k))
p2 = rand(n)
p3 = rand(n)
println("\nJoint entropy invariant:")
println(EntropyInvariant.entropy(hcat(p1,p2,p3), verbose=true))
println(entropy(hcat(p1, 1e5*p2.-123.456, 1e-5*p3.+654.123)))
p1 = rand(n)
p2 = 2*p1+rand(n)
println("\nMutual Information invariant: ")
println(mutual_information(p1, p2, k=k))
println(mutual_information(1e5*p1.+123.456, 1e-5*p2.+654.321, k=k))
# Using k-NN method
data = rand(100) # 100 points in 1 dimension
println("Entropy (k-NN): ", entropy(data, method="knn", k=5, verbose=true))
# Using histogram method
data = rand(100) # 100 points in 1 dimension
println("Entropy (Histogram): ", entropy(data, method="histogram", nbins=10) )
# Using invariant method
data = rand(100) # 100 points in 1 dimension
println("Entropy (Invariant): ", entropy(data, method="inv", k=3))
In extreme cases, when the neighbourhood distance is small. The logarithm of the distance is strongly negative. This can lead to negative entropy. We therefore recommend setting the "degenerate" parameter to true. This parameter adds 1 to each distance, so that the logarithm is always positive.
Please inform us if you discover any bugs or errors in the code, or if you believe another quantity should be added.
Estimating mutual information DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.69.066138 ↩ ↩2
Prior Probabilities DOI: 10.1109/TSSC.1968.300117 ↩
An invariant estimation of entropy and mutual information (not yet plublished) ↩ ↩2
Python git G Varoquaux ↩