EasyCRM Release 1.0.0 - 12/04/2023
Nouvelles fonctionnalités et innovations
Possibilité de rajouter des éléments Dolibarr plus rapidement
Création d'un Tiers
Création d'un Contact
Création d'un Projet
Possibilité de configurer les éléments à renseigner pour la création rapide
Bouton "Ajout rapide d'évènements" sur les pages Projets et Client
1.0.0 #44
#26 [Mod] add: new version number 5e13304
#45 [Mod] add: package.json for use auto changelog 2a31bff
#42 [QuickCreation] add: error return 6152b70
#42 [QuickCreation] add: error return 9603097
#9 [Mod] add: setup project files 9c2ea32
#4 [QuickCreation] add: contact quick add/rework other 077d821
#4 [QuickCreation] add: quickcreation for project / thirdparty 6a809cd
#8 [QuickEvent] add: event hook 3b88d06
#11 [Admin] add: config default field visibility and value f06e306
#38 [Hook] fix: change hook printFieldListValue for get projectline value fd93995
#38 [Hook] fix: change hook printFieldListValue for get projectline value 5ebd11f
#40 [QuickCreation] add: template view & actions 7d70662
Initial commit 9a1777f
#8 [QuickEvent] add: event popup 8b40f01
#13 [QuickCreation] add: unique creation object d337cf0
#35 [QuickEvent] add: description field event 3cd767b
#2 [Hook] add: hook addMoreBoxStatsCustomer and addMoreRecentObjects 26d2f4b
#2 [Hook] add: add box info project on client tab 8d2a8b7
#23 [QuickEvent] add: reminder + status 3bc66c1
#7 [Hook] add: quickevent on project list 19d98a3
#3 #5 #6 [Hook] add: quickevent button and get last reminder with number ccac146
#13 [QuickCreation] add: field web and privatenote 5d5672e
#22 [Hook] add: use tags instead of note for get actioncomm 1945e64
#24 [QuickEvent] add: manage timespent on event 41e3d61
#29 [Hook] add: check action for prevent hook call cd94039
#7 [QuickEvent] add: task create for manage timespent 62f8634
#21 [Admin] add: config task label c97b71f
#27 [Admin] add: conf tags for manage actioncomm event df287d6
#4 [QuickCreation] add: thirdparty set at prospect and tags 3ed158e
#34 [QuickEvent] add: config type event 675e136
#29 [Hook] add: getNomUrl task on project bf165a5
#13 [QuickCreation] add: phone field 44aa23e
#28 [Mod] add: autochangelog d5113f7
#27 [Mod] fix: change conf name ad98ab0
#17 [Hook] add: use limit conf before print project list e6c52b6
#29 [Hook] fix: need check update for project 4962ca3
#25 [Trad] fix: spelling error 2f316e2
#36 #37 [QuickEvent] fix: actionreminder 3e27429
#33 [QuickEvent] add: dateStart get current date 7c5b2cb
#20 [QuickCreation] add: Extrafields CommercialTask 32ff8a4
#14 [Trad] add: admin trad f6a7b50
#18 [Admin] add: prevent negative value 8dd5d02
#31 #32 [QuickEvent] add: disable trigger timespent and add note fd55757
#39 [QuickCreation] fix: spelling error hook 86eb0c4
#19 [QuickCreation] add: change backtopage for cancel d32a883
#18 [Admin] fix: remove check ef85125
#18 [Admin] add: set 0 for oppertunity amount 8b17c88
#15 [Img] add: logo easycrm 99df2c1
You can’t perform that action at this time.