PCB for Nextion-DCC-EX_enclosures
a. this is a custom made pcb for the Nextion_DCC-EX enclosure series
b. provided are the Gerber files and the schematic (pdf). Latest versions are v8a, v8b and v8c
c. upgrade from versions 5 to verions 8: allow more space for the regulator heatsinks, remove level shifters, add FTDI plugin connector, corrections to ESP autoflash circuitry
d. VERY important: read the schematics in pdf for last minute modifications !!
The gerber files are produced with Elecrow Design Rules constraints ( http://tinyurl.com/53mj2er3 ). These DRC's require a manufacturer capable of producing high quality prints.
- Recommended is the PCB fab Elecrow: https://www.elecrow.com/
This fab uses very low rates (1 USD for ten 100x100mm boards). The Nextion_DCC-EX_master pcb is designed to fit 2 of these pcb's on one 100x100mm board. If you desire this output you need to specify your request to the manufacturer: aks for panelization of this pcb (2x 49x99mm pcb on one 100x100mm board). The result then is 20 pcb's for the cost of 1 USD plus shipping.
a. board version 8a: valid for Pro Mini (and HC-12), ESP8266-12 on basic module, ESP32 dev-kit (38pin, 1" pin row width), and ESP32 basic module
b. board version 8b: valid for Pro Mini (and HC-12), ESP8266-12 on basic module, ESP32 dev-kit (38pin, 1" pin row width, and 23.5mm pin row width)
c. board version 8c: valid for Pro Mini (and HC-12), ESP8266-12 NodeMCU and ESP32 basic module
- Hardware description:
a. ESP8266 basic module: https://tinyurl.com/y2z66jum
b. ESP32 basic module: https://tinyurl.com/mrbd2m5m and https://tinyurl.com/3mrma4hk
c. hardware required (connectors, pcb female pinheaders, ... : see BOM