The project is seperated into five modules:
- Application logic is under studit/core/..
- GUI implementations is under studit/fxui/..
- The RESTApi is under studit/fxui/restapi/..
- Server (Grizzly) server code is under studit/restserver/..
- Servlet (Jersey) is under studit/servlet/..
Main code for each module is found under src/main/..
Testing for each module is found under src/test/..
The project uses maven for building and running.
To build the project, click the gitpod link and run:
mvn install
in the root folder, to run all the testes and quality checking. -
To build the project without testes run:
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
in the root folder -
To run the server, you have to run:
mvn jetty:run -f servlet/pom.xml
To run the project: First you need to install the project
mvn install
, then run the server, and finally runmvn javafx:run -f fxui/pom.xml
For unit testing and code coverage, run
mvn test
To login once the application is started, enter user as username and password as password, or create a new user.
If you are curious about how to use the chatbot, check the documentation found in studit/core/chatbot
Code coverage is found under target/site/jacoco
TestFx is not stable during testing of the fxui module, and sometimes a NoSuchElementException
will be thrown during the test phase of the build. Should this occur, simply rebuilding the module usually resolves the issue.
- As a coming student I want to find information about a subject I am going to take at NTNU, so that I can be prepared when I start to study
- As a student I want to find information about different subjects at NTNU, so I can compare subjects I consider to choose
- As a student I want to ask questions about a subject I am taking at NTNU, that I want to know the answer to immediately