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date‐picker enhancement #8402

Anveshreddy mekala edited this page Jul 4, 2024 · 7 revisions

Date-picker Enhancement

I will be out on vacation starting July-05 and this notes will help navigate & contribute to the date-picker enhancement PR.

Current status:

The enhancements are completed for major part pending responsive design.
 Developers are encouraged to make any required changes to the current version and please make sure to add appropriate tests. 

Todo Tasks:

Will itemize and add all the pending tasks once I receive feedback from design & Code.

Contribution Guidelines:

  • For the ease of review and maintenance, please create a new branch following calcite conventions based out of anveshmekala/3455-add-month-and-year-picker when you start working.
This helps in keeping the existing code as base line and changes will go through E2E tests and chromatic screenshots.

  • Once issues is fixed or enhancement is complete before installing the PR into anveshmekala/3455-add-month-and-year-picker, please follow calcite convention for code installation.

  • Once installed , E2E tests and chromatic tests on anveshmekala/3455-add-month-and-year-picker should be passing.

Note: If creating multiple branches specific to each task out of anveshmekala/3455-add-month-and-year-picker to tackle individual items helps, devs are encouraged to use that approach to install one PR at a time into the base anveshmekala/3455-add-month-and-year-picker branch.


  • code, component architecture related queries please reach out to Franco.
  • design and UX related questions please reach out to Skye.
  • accessibility related questions please reach out to Kitty.

Installing PR 8402:

  • Once specs are complete, please make sure all active branches based out of anveshmekala/3455-add-month-and-year-picker are either installed.
  • design & code review of PR 8402.

  • accessibility review of PR 8402.

  • Watch out for any test failure or UI differences in chromatic.

After installation:

  • Watch out for any issues related to date-picker.

  • Drop a message in Core-Development channel which helps other developers working on items related to date-picker to resolve merge conflicts
* Resolve merge conflicts on tokenization PR if open.