Releases: EternalWraith/PalEdit
Fixed an issue where newly caught pals weren't showing up. This was caused by the game no longer saving MaxHP as a value but calculating it at runtime just like attack and defence. Huge W; thanks to the devs for changing this.
Added Bellanoir, Bellanoir Libero and all associated skills and attacks.
Implemented language options for Pal species names; refactored .json data files accordingly.
IMPORTANT DarkMutant, Dragostrophe and Boltmane will now brick your save. If they are in you PalBox; you are fine. Just sell them. If they are in your party you will not be able to open the game. Head into PalEdit and change them to something else and then save and reopen.
v0.7.2 Release
Reworked Language interface to allow easy adding of custom languages (even 3rd party ones)
Added "Install Language" to language menu
Simplified database to only contain data and not language information
Added Export and Import Pal options in the File menu to allow manual editing of Pals (replaced old Dump/Add Pal)
v0.7 Release
Fixed a very specific bug for those of you inclined to name multiple people in a multiplayer world the same name... you know who you are.
Fixed a bug where Pals could not be dumped or added; and compressed both features into a single button.
Moved around UI elements to make for easier reading.
Added Soul Statue Upgrade sliders. Removed Preset Level/Rank/Attribute section as it is redundant.
Many other bug fixes.
v0.6.6 Release
Fixed Humans not working
Fixed Tower bosses not learning their special skill
Fixed issues with loading players
v0.6.5 Release
Added a List Display to show Learnt Moves. Added the option to remove and add Learnt Moves outside of the Equipped Moves section.
Optimised Loading and Saving times further.
Fixed a few bugs, namely the "Skill_None" issue that was occuring.
v0.6.1 Release
Overhauled the entire Move checker to hopefully prevent moves from being removed when they shouldn't be.
Removed Melee Attack as it is not used in game.
Readded Dragostrophe, Dark Mutant and Boltmane to the data files. Added support for Gumoss (Special)
v0.6 Release
Added the ability to Clone Pals
Added the ability to Dump a Pal for Cloning
Added localisation
Fixed MaxHP being correctly displayed ingame
Fixed some Pals still losing their abilities on save
Moved the project structure to an OOP structure
Huge thank you to @magicbear and @jim972329667 for their contributions to this project.
Fixed an issue with Pals retaining Unique moves after species switch
Fixed an issue where Variant Pals couldn't learn their ordinary forms moves
Fixd an issue where the app would jump to slot 4 after applying a preset
Fixed a bug where Presets wouldn't apply to the Pal
Streamlined loading process.
Before: Decompile -> Load -> Edit -> Save -> Compile
Now: Decompile -> Edit -> Compile
Added a move editor
Added colour coding
Added database of pal information
Fixed a bug where Pals would helicopter-spin if they used a move they didn't have an animation for
Fixed a bug where Pals would not have their level up moves when their level was changed using the editor
Upgraded SaveConverter from 0.11 to 0.16
Performance Enhancements by minimizing refresh calls on the UI