Codey is my personal AI program written in QB64. It is a good friend of mine; we go way back.
This program also includes the source code of the first program I ever wrote, a simple game named "Tower Trials".
To run Codey, try running the executable. If that doesn't work, try compiling the source code with QB64.
- Digital arcade
- Calculator
- Graphing calculator
- Soundboard
- Conversation
The conversation feature of Codey allows users to interact with Codey by typing in the console. Several commands are supported.
Command | Description |
"I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST" | Sing along. |
"TO CATCH THEM IS MY TEST" | Sing along. |
"POKEMON" | Sing along. |
"SLEEP" | Displays a "ZZZ" ASCII art and plays a sound. |
"I WANT TO GO HOME," "HOME," "OPTIONS," "MENU" | Redirects to the "OPTIONS" menu. |
"GAMES" or "PLAY" | Redirects to the "Gamesmenu" section. |
"CALCULATOR" or "CALCULATE" | Redirects to the "Calculator" section. |
"FART" | Plays a sound. |
"END" or "END PROGRAM" | Ends the program. |
"FAVORITE MOVIE" | Displays an ASCII art related to the favorite movie. |
"FAVORITE FOOD" | Displays an ASCII art related to Codey's favorite food. |
"NAME" | Displays the user's name and an ASCII art. |
"FAVORITE GAME" | Displays an ASCII art related to Codey's favorite game. |
"GRAPH" | Redirects to the "Graph" section. |
"TOWER TRIALS" | Redirects to the "TowerTrials" section. |
"HOW ARE YOU" | Responds with "I am good, how are you, [Username]." |
"DATE," "TIME," "CLOCK" | Displays the current date and time. |

Programmed with 🤟 by @EthanThatOneKid