OSS relationship visualization
This software visualizes OSS project relationship by counting up the number of common developer's commits. The relationship is visualized with Chord Diagram. Each path in chord diagram shows the relevance of OSS projects of endpoint nodes.
Interactive WEB page example is available at HERE.
clone ossrel and 'ln -s' to git repositories you choose to ./repos:
# git clone https://github.com/Etsukata/ossrel.git
# cd ossrel
# mkdir repos
# ln -s /path/to/git/repoA ./repos/repoA
# ln -s /path/to/git/repoB ./repos/repoB
# ln -s /path/to/git/repoC ./repos/repoC
then run scrpt:
# ./run.sh
# firefox index.html
ossrel uses mbosock's Chord Diagram d3js example to visualization.