While my personal website is being rebuilt, I'm using this as a substitute. To reduce duplication, all the technical work is [in my CV], while this lists some of the more personal things about me.
I believe values are fundamental to how we work, yet they're rarely discussed in formal applications:
Attention to Detail I value deep engagement with craft, going beyond the "good enough" approach. Examples include my mentor's meticulous website typography, my investment in beautiful course note design, or one of my professors carefully explaining his use of 'Alumna' instead of 'Alumni'. Sometimes paying this level of attention to details can annoy others, but it matters to me.
Communication as a value. Good work needs good storytelling. I enjoy making complex ideas accessible through clear diagrams, summaries, and relatable explanations. My two years teaching showed me how important this is.
Beauty as a value. Beautiful things matter — in scientific figures, writing, and presentation. A touch of personality in text makes it more engaging and human.
Kalokagathia. Rather than specializing too narrowly, I try to learn broadly. While we all focus somewhere eventually, exploring different fields helps me appreciate diverse perspectives and connect ideas. Currently, I am slowly growing my knowledge of philosophy. (Maybe my use of this word is unfair, since the original kalokagathia also involved fighting, which I would be terrible in.)
Take a look in my CV for an up-to-date list of research projects and publications.
My website! This is a pet project I'm really looking forward to. The moodboard looks something like this:
Photoraphy! Making photos is a good excuse to take a walk.
Poetry! I wouldn't expose you to this unless you really ask for it (I'm not a Vogon).