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225 lines (161 loc) · 7.92 KB

File metadata and controls

225 lines (161 loc) · 7.92 KB



The tools has for objective to perform a fully automated secure configuration review using the CIS referential for the following type of web/application server:

  • Apache web server.
  • Apache Tomcat.
  • Microsoft IIS.

Design overview

Made with Source file is here.



  • Python 3.7+.
  • Configuration files of the target to analyse.
  • Windows, Linux or MAC machine: Compatibility tested via the audit CI job.

Folder layout


🚧 Python project related content:

  • analysis: Package containing all Python code related to the analysis of the configuration file provided.
  • common: Package containing all Python code shared by all the project.
  • parsing: Package containing all Python code related to the parsing of the the references audit rules and the configuration file provided.
  • references: Folder containing the audit rules files for every technology supported.
  • reporting: Package containing all Python code related to the generation of the report.
  • templates: Report template file using the JINJA syntax to define the available reports.
  • tests: Package containing all Python code related to the unit testing of the project.

📝 Documentation, CI, IDE related content:

  • .vscode: Folder containing the internal stuff used by VSCode to handle the project.
  • ci: Folder containing all the Continuous Integration files used by GitHub actions workflows.
  • documentation: Folder containing all the projects documentation files (markdown, images, etc).

🎯 The tool entry point is the file:

python --help

Debug mode

By default the tool do not print the debug level message.

To enable the debug mode then set a environement variable named DEBUG to any value prior to call the tool:

PS> $env:DEBUG=1
$ export DEBUG=1

Release policy

Project released under GNU GPL v3 license.

Global convention

  • Usage of requirements.txt for dependencies.
  • No oneliner except for a restricted use case.
  • Snake case.
  • Focus on code easy to read, understand and maintain.
  • Keep the content of each file coherent with the purpose of the file (ex: no analysis in the report module).
  • Naming convention used.
  • In case of no result for a list then return a empty list instead of None.

Rules configuration convention

Rules for each type of server are stored in JSON files which are named nameOfTheTechnology.json (all lowercase):

        "rule_id": "CIS-ID" ,
        "CIS_version": "x.x",
        "audit_expressions": [{
                        "presence_needed": "True|False"
        "override_rules": [{
                "rule_id": "CIS-ID",
                "CIS_version": "x.x"

The member rule_id have the following value CIS-PointIdentifierInReferential.

Example: For the point 2.4 of the CIS then the member rule_id will be CIS-2.4.

The member CIS_Version have the following value uppercase(TechnologyName)-TechnologyVersion-CISDocumentVersion.

Example: The document of the CIS is named CIS_Apache_HTTP_Server_2.4_Benchmark_v1.5.0.pdf so the member CIS_Version will be APACHE-2.4-1.5.0.

The member block is optionnal and is used to define a multiline block of config. The expression must be matched (or not depending on the presence_needed field) on each block matched by the *block regular expression.

The member presence_needed is used to specify if the audit expression (regex) is expected to find something or not:

  • If True then the validation is considered failed if the audit expression find something.
  • If False then the validation is considered failed if the audit expression find nothing.

The member override_rules is used to indicate that the current rule override, in terms of validation, the list of rules specified. This information is used during the reporting phase.


  • Visual Studio Code with Python extension provided by Microsoft.
  • Project workspace file has been configured to trigger the installation of required code analysis modules and analysis profile is defined in the workspace settings area.
  • Define the folliwng Pre-Commit hook in the file [PROJECT_HOME]/.git/hooks/pre-commit:
echo "[+] Ensure that all Unit Tests pass before to accept a commit..."
if [ $rc == 0 ]
	echo "[+] All UT pass - Commit accepted."
	echo "[!] NOT All UT pass - Commit refused."
exit $rc

Communication betwen modules

Module Parsing

Read the configuration files provided via a folder and create a collection of ConfigData object instances.

Module Analysis

Use the collection of the ConfigData object instances received to apply analysis rules (based on Regex) against them in order to identify issues and create a collection of AnalysisData object instances.

Module Reporting

Aggregate the parsing and analysis information in a ReportData object instance and use this object to generate a report in the wanted format.

Transfer objects structure

ID of the analysis rule is the CIS rule ID.


  • Type of web/application server.
  • A string with the configuration elements to analyse (content of the config file).
  • Source file name containing the configuration elements.
  • List of validation rules to apply.


  • Type of web/application server.
  • List of IssueData object instances.
  • Source file name containing the configuration elements affected by the issues.


  • Details of issue (string).
  • ID of the rule.
  • Version of CIS.


  • ID of the rule.
  • Version of the CIS.
  • The list of the regular expressions to test.
  • The list of rule that this rule override.


  • ID of the rule.
  • Version of the CIS.


  • Data generated by the parser for a configuration file.
  • Data generated by the analyzer for a configuration file.

Code security and quality

  • PyTest is used for the unit testing and all main processing are covered by a UT suite.
  • Every analysis rule is covered by a positive and negative unit test, however, the tests are factored in order to tests only rules of type of server (made the maintenance more easier).
  • Third-party dependencies are tracked by Dependabot.
  • Code is analyzed with Bandit, Flake8 and Pydocstyle. See this section for details regarding the integration of these tools into the IDE.