A privacy policy is a description of what you do with personal data. The critical things to describe in the policy are how you and your website or app collect, use, store, and share or disclose information about people. Providing a privacy policy also helps your users understand what happens to information about them.
Below Listed are the Privacy Policies and Terms of Service of Exynos-Project and its Projects with respect to the latest Discord Developer Terms and Policies. These Policies Apply to all the Projects (Verified by Discord) of the Organisation and doesn't violate any User Guildelines.
Our Organisation Collects The Following Data for the Projects:
Generally, the main command based data being colleted are -
- Music: Guild_ID, Requester_ID, Player_Channel_ID (these are temporary and gets deleted as soon as the function ends)
- Welcomer: Guild_ID, Channel_ID, (temporary) Caching_Joining_Member_ID
- Boosting: Guild_ID, Channel_ID, (temporary) Caching_Boosting_Member_ID
Information like the User's ID, Tag, Profile who adds our project to the respective server along with the Information (ID and Name) where the project has been added is collected via Discord OAuth2.
The Data being collected by the application are stored in the Virtual Private Server Instance which is provided by trusted brands (in this case Oracle Cloud) and the Database governing this is being hosted in the MongoDB Cloud Clusters on Amazon's AWS-Hyderabad platform.
Also the only person having access to these are the Owner of the Organisation/Project. This ensures the total safety of the user(s) data.
No Message Content is being stored in anyway possible. Only the prefix handling requires message_content.
Ofcourse You Can!
Users have the right to opt-out from the following (in Terms and Respecting the Guidelines) :
- Consent Regarding Processing of data
- Allowing Access to Data
- Personal Data Usage
Feedback on our projects and services is appreciated. When you submit comments, suggestions, bug reports, and any other forms of feedback, you forego any rights to the content, title, or intent of the provided feedback. Additionally, the feedback may be utilized in any way.
By using any of our projects you are agreeing to inform your members of the Developer Terms of Service and the contents of this document. If you, the service user, do not agree to this document, you may revoke authorization of the application(s) in your 'Authorized Apps' menu. Also By Agreeing, you also agree to the fact of allwowance of usage of your data and message content unless revoked.
- Exynos Development
- Owner, Developer and Controller - DeadShot
- Discord Username -
- Mail -
[email protected]