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Founders and Coders, LMAO Jokes

Live site:

Scroll to the bottom of the README for installation instructions, if you would like to run our project locally!

User Story

As a member of Founders & Coders, I would like to securely access a site to share my funny jokes.

Thus, I should be able to:

  • add my blog to a database where it will stored
  • be able to log in if I have my username and password in the database
  • see all jokes on the site
  • be automatically logged in via a cookie once I've logged in once


  • Ability to log in
  • Ability to log out
  • Account authentication against Heroku database of users with passwords
  • Session cookie to be dropped on the user once they've succesfully logged in

Stretch goals:

  • Ability for new users to register for an account
  • Password encryption
  • Script injection prevention

Architecture & Planning

  • See here for our architecture diagram

Schema diagrams

Here are the schema diagrams for the database:

Blogs: 1 to 1

Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default
body character varying (600) not null
author_id interger not null

Authors: 1 to Many

Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default
username character varying(100) not null
password character varying(100) not null

Installation instructions

  • Clone this repo and cd into it

  • git clone

  • Run npm install to install all dependencies

Database (To run the database locally)

Create local database
  • Ensure PSQL is running. You will need to find PSQL in applications folder

  • Use your terminal and 'cd' into the project that contains the database build script

  • Open a new tab in your terminal (CMD+T) then run PSQL by typing 'psql;'

  • To create a database, type: 'CREATE DATABASE {databaseNameWithoutCurlys};'

  • Go into this database by typing: '\c {databaseNameWithoutCurlys};'

  • Run the build script to create your tables: '\i ./database/db_buildscript.sql;' (your route to the script may be different)

  • Test that your tables are there with '\l' to list all tables in this database

Create config.env file to access the database you just created
  • Create a config.env file in the root of the project

  • Add the DATABASE_URL variable: DATABASE_URL = postgres://{usernameHereWithoutCurlys}@localhost:5432/{databaseNameWithoutCurlys}

Run locally

  • Run npm run startDev to start the server using Nodemon (which will automatically restart Node when changes are detected in your files).

  • Navigate to http://localhost:4000/ in your browser


  • Run npm run test to run the tests (this will take around 30 secs to complete)

  • Run npm run coverage to check coverage (this will take around 30 secs to complete)