Clone this repo and cd into it
npm install
to install all dependencies
Create a new local Postgres database
Duplicate the
file -
to use your username and the name of the database you just made -
Add a
that is at least 32 characters long -
Ask us for the
if you want to test Github login locally 😉
npm run startDev
to start the server using Nodemon (which will automatically restart Node when changes are detected in your files). -
Navigate to https://localhost:3000/ in your browser
npm run test
to run the tests -
npm run coverage
to check coverage
Click here to see our user's journey in a diagram.
As a member of Founders and Coders, who wants to learn from my fellow devs
I want to log in with my Github account So that I can use my Github organisation's info to see posts from my fellow students. Acceptance criteria:
I can click on a button, which allows me to log in via my Github account
The look of the button should make it obvious that it is this form of login
Once I'm logged in, I should see a list of blog posts
I shouldn't be left with a blank loading screen for too long during the authorisation process, otherwise I will lose confidence in your website and leave.
As any user who is logged in I want to see my username & Github profile picture on the homepage so that I benefit from logging in with Github OAuth, and don't have to do any profile setup on your site. Acceptance criteria:
I can see my username & profile picture on each page that I visit
As a paranoid member of the current cohort, who believes in "what happens at FAC stays at FAC"
- I want others' viewing rights to my posts to be restricted So that I feel free to be wildly opinionated with my crazy blogging. Acceptance criteria:
- Only logged-in members of Founders and Coders can see any of the content on this site
- Anyone who is logged in, but not part of the current cohort, should still see a list of blogs. But they should see nothing that I (the paranoid user) have posted.
- As the author of my own posts (any authenticated user) I want to be able to edit the posts that I have written (only my own) so that I can retain editorial control & make sure my online content is the best it can be.
- I can click on a button next to any of my posts, which takes me to an edit view
- I can't see an edit button next to anyone else's posts
- Each user has the same experience (but with their own posts)
- Clicking "done" / "submit" changes the content for every user to see
- Clicking "done" / "submit" takes me to a view of the new, edited version of my blog post
Column | Type | Modifiers |
id | integer | not null default |
body | character varying (600) | not null |
author_id | interger | not null |
Column | Type | Modifiers |
id | integer | not null default |
github_id | integer | not null unique |
username | varchar(100) | not null |
pic | varchar(512) | not null, |
name | varchar(50) | not null |