Version 0.0.3
What's Changed
- DEBUG: Deleting intermeadiate generated file. by @RubelMozumder in #109
- Transmission reader: Fixes reading of detector ranges by @domna in #112
- Full visit and support for attribute inheritances by @sanbrock in #113
- Ellips reader attribute issues by @cmmngr in #115
- Fix nomad nexus interface by @domna in #116
- Fixes interface for failing nomad tests by @domna in #119
- Fixes #121. Raises exception when wrong dict found. by @sherjeelshabih in #122
- Quick fix by @sherjeelshabih in #123
- Reader for native SPECS SLE format by @lukaspie in #110
- Apm em sprint14 p2 by @mkuehbach in #117
- Ellips reader and eln_data by @cmmngr in #120
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3