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[pull] development from d365collaborative:development #112

[pull] development from d365collaborative:development

[pull] development from d365collaborative:development #112

GitHub Actions / Individual Unit Tests Results succeeded Jul 9, 2024 in 0s

All 1 206 tests pass in 20s

1 206 tests  +2   1 206 ✅ +2   20s ⏱️ +2s
  468 suites ±0       0 💤 ±0 
  214 files   ±0       0 ❌ ±0 

Results for commit 9094b88. ± Comparison against earlier commit 72bd033.


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@github-actions github-actions / Individual Unit Tests Results

1206 tests found (test 1 to 549)

There are 1206 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 549.
Raw output
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccessToken
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccountId
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Container
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SAS
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Temporary
Add-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientId
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientSecret
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EndingInMinutes
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OnPremise
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Temporary
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Tenant
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TimeZone
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter URL
Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Add-D365ModuleToRemove Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DeployablePackage
Add-D365ModuleToRemove Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ModuleToRemove
Add-D365ModuleToRemove Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Add-D365ModuleToRemove Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Add-D365RsatWifConfigAuthorityThumbprint Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CertificateThumbprint
Add-D365RsatWifConfigAuthorityThumbprint Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Add-D365WindowsDefenderRules Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Silent
Add-D365WindowsDefenderRules Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Backup-D365DevConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Backup-D365DevConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Backup-D365DevConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Backup-D365MetaDataDir Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BackupDir
Backup-D365MetaDataDir Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Backup-D365MetaDataDir Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Backup-D365Runbook Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DestinationPath
Backup-D365Runbook Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter File
Backup-D365Runbook Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Backup-D365Runbook Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Backup-D365WebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Backup-D365WebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Backup-D365WebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Backup-D365WifConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Backup-D365WifConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Backup-D365WifConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Clear-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Temporary
Clear-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Clear-D365BacpacObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClearFromSource
Clear-D365BacpacObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Clear-D365BacpacObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ObjectType
Clear-D365BacpacObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Clear-D365BacpacObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Clear-D365BacpacObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Clear-D365BacpacTableData Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClearFromSource
Clear-D365BacpacTableData Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Clear-D365BacpacTableData Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Clear-D365BacpacTableData Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Table
Clear-D365BacpacTableData Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Clear-D365MonitorData Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Clear-D365MonitorData Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Clear-D365TempDbTables Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Clear-D365TempDbTables Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Clear-D365TempDbTables Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Days
Clear-D365TempDbTables Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Clear-D365TempDbTables Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Clear-D365TempDbTables Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Clear-D365TempDbTables Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
ConvertTo-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
ConvertTo-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Disable-D365Exception Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Disable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Disable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Disable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FlightName
Disable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Disable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Disable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Disable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Disable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Disable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Disable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Disable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Disable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Disable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Disable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Disable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Disable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Email
Disable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Disable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Disable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Enable-D365Exception Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Enable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Enable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Enable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FlightName
Enable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Enable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Enable-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Enable-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Enable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Enable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Enable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Enable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Enable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Enable-D365SqlChangeTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Enable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Enable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Enable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Email
Enable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Enable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Enable-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Export-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Export-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Export-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Export-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Model
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Export-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Export-D365SecurityDetails Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FilePath
Export-D365SecurityDetails Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputDirectory
Export-D365SecurityDetails Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Find-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Author
Find-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Find-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MaximumVersion
Find-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MinimumVersion
Find-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Pattern
Find-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Rebuild
Find-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Tag
Find-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365AOTObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter IncludePath
Get-D365AOTObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365AOTObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ObjectType
Get-D365AOTObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365AOTObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SearchInPackages
Get-D365AOTObject Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsPsCustomObject
Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsHashtable
Get-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365AzureDevOpsNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FeedName
Get-D365AzureDevOpsNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Get-D365AzureDevOpsNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365AzureDevOpsNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PeronalAccessToken
Get-D365AzureDevOpsNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Get-D365AzureDevOpsNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsHashtable
Get-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365AzureStorageFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccessToken
Get-D365AzureStorageFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccountId
Get-D365AzureStorageFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Container
Get-D365AzureStorageFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Get-D365AzureStorageFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365AzureStorageFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SAS
Get-D365AzureStorageFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365AzureStorageUrl Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccountId
Get-D365AzureStorageUrl Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Container
Get-D365AzureStorageUrl Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsHashtable
Get-D365AzureStorageUrl Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SAS
Get-D365AzureStorageUrl Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365BacpacSqlOptions Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365BacpacSqlOptions Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365BacpacTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365BacpacTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SortSizeAsc
Get-D365BacpacTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SortSizeDesc
Get-D365BacpacTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Table
Get-D365BacpacTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Top
Get-D365BacpacTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExcludeExpired
Get-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsHashtable
Get-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365CompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ErrorsOnly
Get-D365CompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsObjects
Get-D365CompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputTotals
Get-D365CompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365CompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365DatabaseAccess Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365DecryptedWebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AosServiceWebRootPath
Get-D365DecryptedWebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Get-D365DecryptedWebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365DefaultModelForNewProjects Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365DotNetClass Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Assembly
Get-D365DotNetClass Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365DotNetClass Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Get-D365DotNetClass Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365DotNetMethod Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Assembly
Get-D365DotNetMethod Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365DotNetMethod Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TypeName
Get-D365DotNetMethod Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter All
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Aos
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Batch
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ComputerName
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DMF
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FinancialReporter
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OnlyStartTypeAutomatic
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputServiceDetailsOnly
Get-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365EnvironmentSettings Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365EventTraceProvider Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365EventTraceProvider Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365ExternalIP Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SaveToClipboard
Get-D365ExternalIP Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FlightName
Get-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365Flight Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365InstalledHotfix Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Get-D365InstalledHotfix Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter KB
Get-D365InstalledHotfix Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Model
Get-D365InstalledHotfix Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365InstalledHotfix Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Get-D365InstalledHotfix Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365InstalledPackage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365InstalledPackage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Get-D365InstalledPackage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365InstalledService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365InstalledService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365InstanceName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365JsonService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientId
Get-D365JsonService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientSecret
Get-D365JsonService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365JsonService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsJson
Get-D365JsonService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RawOutput
Get-D365JsonService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Tenant
Get-D365JsonService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Get-D365JsonService Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Label Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Get-D365Label Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LabelFileId
Get-D365Label Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Language
Get-D365Label Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365Label Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LabelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Get-D365LabelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Get-D365LabelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365LabelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Get-D365LabelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Language Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Get-D365Language Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365Language Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsHashtable
Get-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsApiToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientId
Get-D365LcsApiToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsApiToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsApiToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Password
Get-D365LcsApiToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Username
Get-D365LcsApiToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetDescription
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetFilename
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetId
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetName
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetVersion
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FileType
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetId
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SleepInSeconds
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter WaitForValidation
Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsDatabaseBackups Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsDatabaseBackups Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsDatabaseBackups Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Get-D365LcsDatabaseBackups Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsDatabaseBackups Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsDatabaseBackups Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsDatabaseBackups Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentId
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OperationActivityId
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SleepInSeconds
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter WaitForCompletion
Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ActivityId
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentId
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SleepInSeconds
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter WaitForCompletion
Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentId
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FirstPages
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TraverseAllPages
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentHistory Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentId
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentName
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FirstPages
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TraverseAllPages
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentMetadata Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentId
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsEnvironmentRsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetDescription
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetFilename
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetId
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetName
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetVersion
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FileType
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Get-D365LcsSharedAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365MaintenanceMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Get-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CustomizableOnly
Get-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExcludeBinaryModels
Get-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExcludeMicrosoftModels
Get-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Get-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Get-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Module Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Get-D365Module Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExcludeBinaryModules
Get-D365Module Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter InDependencyOrder
Get-D365Module Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365Module Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Get-D365Module Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExtractionPath
Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Hotfix
Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter IncludeRawManifest
Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter KB
Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter KeepFiles
Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Traverse
Get-D365PackageBundleDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365PackageLabelResourceFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Language
Get-D365PackageLabelResourceFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365PackageLabelResourceFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Get-D365PackageLabelResourceFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365PackageLabelResources Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FilePath
Get-D365PackageLabelResources Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter IncludePath
Get-D365PackageLabelResources Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365PackageLabelResources Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Value
Get-D365PackageLabelResources Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365ProductInformation Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365RsatCertificateThumbprint Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365RsatPlaybackFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExecutionUsername
Get-D365RsatPlaybackFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365RsatPlaybackFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365RsatPlaybackFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365RsatSoapHostname Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Runbook Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Get-D365Runbook Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365Runbook Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365Runbook Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365RunbookId Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365RunbookId Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365RunbookLogFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Get-D365RunbookLogFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OpenInEditor
Get-D365RunbookLogFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365RunbookLogFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Step
Get-D365RunbookLogFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365SDPCleanUp Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365SDPDetails Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365SDPDetails Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Table Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365Table Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365Table Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Id
Get-D365Table Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365Table Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365Table Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365Table Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FieldId
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter IncludeTableDetails
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SearchAcrossTables
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TableId
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TableName
Get-D365TableField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365TableSequence Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365TableSequence Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365TableSequence Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365TableSequence Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365TableSequence Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TableName
Get-D365TableSequence Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365TablesInChangedTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365TablesInChangedTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365TablesInChangedTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Get-D365TablesInChangedTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365TablesInChangedTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365TablesInChangedTracking Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365TfsUri Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365TfsUri Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365TfsWorkspace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Get-D365TfsWorkspace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TfsUri
Get-D365TfsWorkspace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365Url Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Get-D365Url Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Get-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Get-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Email
Get-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExcludeSystemUsers
Get-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Get-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Get-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Email
Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365VisualStudioCompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ErrorsOnly
Get-D365VisualStudioCompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Get-D365VisualStudioCompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputAsObjects
Get-D365VisualStudioCompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputTotals
Get-D365VisualStudioCompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Get-D365VisualStudioCompilerResult Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365WebServerType Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Get-D365WindowsActivationStatus Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Import-D365AadApplication Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientId
Import-D365AadApplication Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Import-D365AadApplication Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Import-D365AadApplication Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Import-D365AadApplication Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Import-D365AadApplication Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Import-D365AadApplication Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter UserId
Import-D365AadApplication Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AadGroupId
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AadGroupName
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AzureAdCredential
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ForceExactAadGroupName
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter IdPrefix
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter IdValue
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NameSuffix
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NameValue
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SkipAzureAd
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter StartupCompany
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Users
Import-D365AadUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AxDbAdminPwd
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AxDbReadonlyUserPwd
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AxDeployExtUserPwd
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AxMrRuntimeUserPwd
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AxRuntimeUserPwd
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BacpacFile
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CustomSqlFile
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DiagnosticFile
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ImportModeTier1
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ImportModeTier2
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ImportOnly
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MaxParallelism
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ModelFile
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NewDatabaseName
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Properties
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Import-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DiagnosticFile
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MaxParallelism
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ModelFile
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PublishFile
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Individual Unit Tests Results

1206 tests found (test 550 to 1081)

There are 1206 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 550 to 1081.
Raw output
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Import-D365Dacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Company
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Email
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Enabled
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Id
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Language
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Import-D365ExternalUser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Import-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Import-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Import-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Import-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Import-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Import-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Replace
Import-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Import-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Import-D365RsatSelfServiceCertificates Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Password
Import-D365RsatSelfServiceCertificates Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Import-D365RsatSelfServiceCertificates Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Initialize-D365RsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CertificateFileName
Initialize-D365RsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CertificateOnly
Initialize-D365RsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter KeepCertificateFile
Initialize-D365RsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Initialize-D365RsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Password
Initialize-D365RsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PrivateKeyFileName
Initialize-D365RsatCertificate Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Install-D365SupportingSoftware Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Install-D365SupportingSoftware Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Install-D365SupportingSoftware Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DeleteOnTransferComplete
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DestinationUri
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FileName
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SourceUri
Invoke-D365AzCopyTransfer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365AzureDevOpsNugetPush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365AzureDevOpsNugetPush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365AzureDevOpsNugetPush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365AzureDevOpsNugetPush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365AzureDevOpsNugetPush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365AzureDevOpsNugetPush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Source
Invoke-D365AzureDevOpsNugetPush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccessToken
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccountId
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Container
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FileName
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SAS
Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccessToken
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AccountId
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Container
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ContentType
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DeleteOnUpload
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Filepath
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SAS
Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Model
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackagesRoot
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RunFixers
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365BestPractice Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365CompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365CompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365CompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365CompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SkipTasks
Invoke-D365CompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SkipWarnings
Invoke-D365CompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365DataFlush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Class
Invoke-D365DataFlush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Invoke-D365DataFlush Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDirTools
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetadataDir
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SyncMode
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Verbosity
Invoke-D365DbSync Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDirTools
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetadataDir
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Verbosity
Invoke-D365DbSyncModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDirTools
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetadataDir
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SyncExtensionsList
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SyncList
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SyncMode
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Verbosity
Invoke-D365DbSyncPartial Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportAggregateDataEntity Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportAggregateDataEntity Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportAggregateDataEntity Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportAggregateDataEntity Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportAggregateMeasure Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportAggregateMeasure Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportAggregateMeasure Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportAggregateMeasure Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportConfigKey Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportConfigKey Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportConfigKey Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportConfigKey Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportConfigKeyGroup Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportConfigKeyGroup Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportConfigKeyGroup Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportConfigKeyGroup Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportDataEntity Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportDataEntity Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportDataEntity Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportDataEntity Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportDataEntityField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportDataEntityField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportDataEntityField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportDataEntityField Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportKpi Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportKpi Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportKpi Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportKpi Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportLicenseCode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportLicenseCode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportLicenseCode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportLicenseCode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportMenuItem Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportMenuItem Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportMenuItem Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportMenuItem Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportSsrs Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportSsrs Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportSsrs Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportSsrs Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReportWorkflowType Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReportWorkflowType Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReportWorkflowType Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReportWorkflowType Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365GenerateReports Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365GenerateReports Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365GenerateReports Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365GenerateReports Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365InstallAzCopy Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365InstallAzCopy Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Invoke-D365InstallAzCopy Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Invoke-D365InstallLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365InstallNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365InstallNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Invoke-D365InstallNuget Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365InstallSqlPackage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Latest
Invoke-D365InstallSqlPackage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365InstallSqlPackage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Invoke-D365InstallSqlPackage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientId
Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter InputObject
Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RefreshToken
Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BackupName
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SkipInitialStatusFetch
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SourceEnvironmentId
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SkipInitialStatusFetch
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SourceEnvironmentId
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TargetEnvironmentId
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseRefresh Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetId
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentId
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter UpdateName
Invoke-D365LcsDeployment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentId
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnvironmentId
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailOnErrorMessage
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FileDescription
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FilePath
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FileType
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Filename
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Invoke-D365LcsUpload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputDir
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ReferenceDir
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter XRefDbName
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter XRefGeneration
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter XRefGenerationOnly
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter XRefSqlServer
Invoke-D365ModuleCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputDir
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ReferenceDir
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputDir
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ReferenceDir
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputDir
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ReferenceDir
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExecuteCompile
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExecuteDeployReports
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExecuteSync
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputDir
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ReferenceDir
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365ProcessModule Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365ReArmWindows Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Restart
Invoke-D365ReArmWindows Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailedOnly
Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FailedOnlyAsObjects
Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Command
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter InstallOnly
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowModifiedFiles
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowProgress
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TfsUri
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TfsWorkspaceDir
Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Command
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DevInstall
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter QuickInstallAll
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RunbookId
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Step
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TopologyFile
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter UseExistingTopologyFile
Invoke-D365SDPInstall Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365SeleniumDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PerfSDK
Invoke-D365SeleniumDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RegressionSuiteAutomationTool
Invoke-D365SeleniumDownload Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Command
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FilePath
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NoPooling
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TrustedConnection
Invoke-D365SqlScript Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365SysFlushAodCache Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Invoke-D365SysFlushAodCache Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClassName
Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Company
Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365TableBrowser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Company
Invoke-D365TableBrowser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TableName
Invoke-D365TableBrowser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Invoke-D365TableBrowser Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365VisualStudioCompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Invoke-D365VisualStudioCompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Invoke-D365VisualStudioCompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Invoke-D365VisualStudioCompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SkipTasks
Invoke-D365VisualStudioCompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SkipWarnings
Invoke-D365VisualStudioCompilerResultAnalyzer Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Invoke-D365WinRmCertificateRotation Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MachineName
Invoke-D365WinRmCertificateRotation Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BackupDirectory
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BacpacFile
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CustomSqlFile
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DiagnosticFile
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExportModeTier1
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExportModeTier2
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExportOnly
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MaxParallelism
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NewDatabaseName
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
New-D365Bacpac Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Model
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackagesRoot
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SuffixWithModule
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter XmlLog
New-D365CAReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CertificateExpirationYears
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CertificateName
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CertificatePassword
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientId
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExistingCertificateFile
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ExistingCertificatePrivateKeyFile
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NewCertificateFile
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NewCertificatePrivateKeyFile
New-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
New-D365ISVLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LicenseFile
New-D365ISVLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
New-D365ISVLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
New-D365ISVLicense Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
New-D365ModuleToRemove Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Modules
New-D365ModuleToRemove Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
New-D365ModuleToRemove Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
New-D365TopologyFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NewPath
New-D365TopologyFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
New-D365TopologyFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Services
New-D365TopologyFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Publish-D365SsrsReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogFile
Publish-D365SsrsReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module
Publish-D365SsrsReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PackageDirectory
Publish-D365SsrsReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ReportName
Publish-D365SsrsReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ReportServerIp
Publish-D365SsrsReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ToolsBasePath
Publish-D365SsrsReport Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Register-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ConfigStorageLocation
Register-D365AzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Remove-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Remove-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Temporary
Remove-D365BroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Remove-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Remove-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Remove-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Remove-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Remove-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Remove-D365Database Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Remove-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AssetId
Remove-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Remove-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Remove-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Remove-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Remove-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RetryTimeout
Remove-D365LcsAssetFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Remove-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Remove-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DeleteFolders
Remove-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MetaDataDir
Remove-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Model
Remove-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Remove-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Remove-D365Model Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Remove-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Remove-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Remove-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Email
Remove-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Remove-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Remove-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogPath
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NewName
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputCommandOnly
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SSRSReportDatabase
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Rename-D365ComputerName Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Rename-D365Instance Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AosServiceWebRootPath
Rename-D365Instance Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BackupExtension
Rename-D365Instance Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter HostsFile
Rename-D365Instance Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter IISServerApplicationHostConfigFile
Rename-D365Instance Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MRConfigFile
Rename-D365Instance Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NewName
Rename-D365Instance Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Repair-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Repair-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter KeepFiles
Repair-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Repair-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Repair-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PathRepairQualifier
Repair-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PathRepairReplace
Repair-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter PathRepairSimple
Repair-D365BacpacModelFile Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter All
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Aos
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Batch
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ComputerName
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DMF
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FinancialReporter
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Kill
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Restart-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Restore-D365DevConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Restore-D365DevConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Restore-D365DevConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Restore-D365WebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Restore-D365WebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Restore-D365WebConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientId
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientSecret
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EndingInMinutes
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OnPremise
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter StartTime
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Tenant
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter TimeZone
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter URL
Send-D365BroadcastMessage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ConfigStorageLocation
Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Temporary
Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Set-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Temporary
Set-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365Admin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AdminSignInName
Set-D365Admin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Set-D365Admin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Set-D365Admin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Set-D365Admin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Set-D365Admin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Set-D365Admin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365AzCopyPath Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Set-D365AzCopyPath Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365DefaultModelForNewProjects Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Module

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Individual Unit Tests Results

1206 tests found (test 1082 to 1206)

There are 1206 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1082 to 1206.
Raw output
Set-D365DefaultModelForNewProjects Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365FavoriteBookmark Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AzureDevOps
Set-D365FavoriteBookmark Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter D365FO
Set-D365FavoriteBookmark Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter URL
Set-D365FavoriteBookmark Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365FlightServiceCatalogId Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AosServiceWebRootPath
Set-D365FlightServiceCatalogId Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FlightServiceCatalogId
Set-D365FlightServiceCatalogId Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ActiveTokenExpiresOn
Set-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BearerToken
Set-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ClientId
Set-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LcsApiUri
Set-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProjectId
Set-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RefreshToken
Set-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Temporary
Set-D365LcsApiConfig Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365NugetPath Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Set-D365NugetPath Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Email
Set-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365RsatConfiguration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AddOperatorFieldsToExcelValidationEnabled
Set-D365RsatConfiguration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LogGenerationEnabled
Set-D365RsatConfiguration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RSATConfigFilename
Set-D365RsatConfiguration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter VerboseSnapshotsEnabled
Set-D365RsatConfiguration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365RsatTier2Crypto Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365SDPCleanUp Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter NumberOfDays
Set-D365SDPCleanUp Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365SqlPackagePath Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Set-D365SqlPackagePath Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365StartPage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Name
Set-D365StartPage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Url
Set-D365StartPage Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365SysAdmin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Set-D365SysAdmin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Set-D365SysAdmin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Set-D365SysAdmin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Set-D365SysAdmin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter User
Set-D365SysAdmin Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365TraceParserFileSize Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FileSizeInMB
Set-D365TraceParserFileSize Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Set-D365TraceParserFileSize Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365WebConfigDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Set-D365WebConfigDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Set-D365WebConfigDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Set-D365WebConfigDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Set-D365WebConfigDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Set-D365WebConfigDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365WebServerType Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter RuntimeHostType
Set-D365WebServerType Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Set-D365WorkstationMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Enabled
Set-D365WorkstationMode Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter All
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Aos
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Batch
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ComputerName
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DMF
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FinancialReporter
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OnlyStartTypeAutomatic
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Start-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Start-D365EnvironmentV2 Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter All
Start-D365EnvironmentV2 Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Aos
Start-D365EnvironmentV2 Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Batch
Start-D365EnvironmentV2 Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DMF
Start-D365EnvironmentV2 Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FinancialReporter
Start-D365EnvironmentV2 Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OnlyStartTypeAutomatic
Start-D365EnvironmentV2 Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Start-D365EnvironmentV2 Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BufferSizeKB
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FileName
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MaxBuffer
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MaxLogFileSizeMB
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter MinBuffer
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputFormat
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ProviderName
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SessionName
Start-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter All
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Aos
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Batch
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ComputerName
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DMF
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter FinancialReporter
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Kill
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowOriginalProgress
Stop-D365Environment Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Stop-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SessionName
Stop-D365EventTrace Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DestinationSuffix
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter EnableException
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SourceDatabaseName
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Switch-D365ActiveDatabase Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Test-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter CommandText
Test-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter IncludeHelp
Test-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Mode
Test-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowSplatStyleV1
Test-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter ShowSplatStyleV2
Test-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SplatInput
Test-D365Command Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Test-D365DataverseConnection Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter BinDir
Test-D365DataverseConnection Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Test-D365EntraIntegration Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Test-D365FlightServiceCatalogId Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter AosServiceWebRootPath
Test-D365FlightServiceCatalogId Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Test-D365LabelIdIsValid Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter LabelId
Test-D365LabelIdIsValid Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Force
Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter OutputPath
Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Path
Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Schema
Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Table
Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets
Update-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Company
Update-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseName
Update-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter DatabaseServer
Update-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter Email
Update-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlPwd
Update-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.Should have the expected parameter SqlUser
Update-D365User Unit Tests.Ensuring unchanged command signature.should have the expected parameter sets