Deploy resources #138
4 fail, 105 skipped, 4 877 pass in 22s
5 files 1 174 suites 22s ⏱️
4 986 tests 4 877 ✅ 105 💤 4 ❌
4 988 runs 4 877 ✅ 107 💤 4 ❌
Results for commit 7631e8c.
github-actions / General Unit Tests Results
Examples from Publish-D365FOResources.Example - Publish-D365FOResources -ResourceTypes Images,Scripts,Styles,Html -PublishingDirectory C:\temp\resources failed
TestResults\TEST-Help.Example.Tests.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'PublishingDirectory'. Cannot convert value "C:\temp\resources" to type "PSFramework.Parameter.PathDirectoryParameter". Error: "Invalid input: Path does not exist: C:\temp\resources"
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\\\\tests\general\Help.Example.Tests.ps1: line 89
89: $result = Invoke-Expression $example
github-actions / General Unit Tests Results
Verifying integrity of module files.Validating PS1 Script files.[functions\publish-d365webresources.ps1] Should have UTF8 encoding failed
TestResults\TEST-FileIntegrity.Tests.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected strings to be the same, but they were different.
Expected length: 4
Actual length: 7
Strings differ at index 1.
Expected: 'UTF8'
But was: 'Unknown'
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\\\\tests\general\FileIntegrity.Tests.ps1: line 41
41: Get-FileEncoding -Path $file.FullName | Should -Be 'UTF8'
github-actions / General Unit Tests Results
Verifying integrity of module files.Validating PS1 Script files.[internal\functions\publish-d365foresources.ps1] Should have UTF8 encoding failed
TestResults\TEST-FileIntegrity.Tests.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected strings to be the same, but they were different.
Expected length: 4
Actual length: 7
Strings differ at index 1.
Expected: 'UTF8'
But was: 'Unknown'
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\\\\tests\general\FileIntegrity.Tests.ps1: line 41
41: Get-FileEncoding -Path $file.FullName | Should -Be 'UTF8'
github-actions / General Unit Tests Results
Verifying integrity of module files.Validating PS1 Script files.[internal\functions\publish-d365foresources.ps1] Should have no trailing space failed
TestResults\TEST-FileIntegrity.Tests.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected $null or empty, but got @(174, 176).
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\\\\tests\general\FileIntegrity.Tests.ps1: line 45
45: ($file | Select-String "\s$" | Where-Object { $_.Line.Trim().Length -gt 0}).LineNumber | Should -BeNullOrEmpty