Table of Contents
A ChRIS plugin to do predictive analysis on chest x-ray for COVID-19 diagnostics.
python \ [--imagefile <imagefile>] \ [-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>] \ [--version] \ [--man] \ [--meta] \ <inputDir> \ <outputDir>
is a ChRIS-based application that integrates the COVID-Net inference engine in a ChRIS plugin.
[--imagefile <imageFile>] The name of the input image in the input directory. If not specified, the first ``png`` image file will be analyzed. If no ``png`` images are found, the first ``jpg/jpeg`` image will be analyzed. [-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>] Verbosity level for app. Not used currently. [--version] If specified, print version number. [--man] If specified, print (this) man page. [--meta] If specified, print plugin meta data.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t local/pl-covidnet .
docker run --rm -v $PWD/in:/incoming -v $PWD/out:/outgoing \
fnndsc/pl-covidnet:0.2.0 covidnet \
--imagefile ex-covid.jpeg /incoming /outgoing
Models are rehosted for the sake of convenience, opposed to using Google Drive as a CDN. They were originally sourced from
A custom UI was developed for a workflow which this plugin is a part of.