A modular and flexible utility for automatically setting up a JSON based config file and tuning over NetworkTables.
Developed by nab138. This version is intended for use by FIRST teams using java WPILib (not endorsed by WPI).
Inteded for use with Shrinkwrap for tuning and editng values live. OxConfig can run without it, but it is not recommended.
Check out our slideshow for an intro to OxConfig.
To install, view the installation guide below.
Check out the wiki for help on getting started. Javadocs are available online or in code as well.
You will need to add the Github packages maven repository to the repositories
section in build.gradle
maven {
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/FRCTeam3044/OxConfig")
credentials {
username = "3044-Packages-Bot"
password = "\u0067\u0068\u0070\u005f\u0038\u0055\u0068\u0037\u0061\u004f\u0062\u0049\u004a\u0041\u005a\u0045\u0059\u0073\u0041\u0055\u0033\u0063\u0041\u0037\u004f\u0065\u0070\u0037\u0053\u0074\u0073\u0058\u0058\u0059\u0031\u004e\u006e\u0056\u0030\u004a"
After adding the repo, add the following to dependencies in your build.grade:
implementation 'me.nabdev.oxconfig:oxconfig-wpi:1.3.1'
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