This project is a Learning Platform designed to help users practice and enhance their knowledge in various subjects like Mathematics and German. The platform includes a Dashboard for tracking progress and earning badges, an Exam System to test knowledge, and interactive exercises to encourage learning.
- User Registration: Users can register to the platform and get a register link through the email service platform Brevo.
- User Authentication: Supports user login and registration using Supabase authentication.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
- Gamification: Users earn badges for completing tasks and achieving specific milestones.
- Displays progress based on completed exercises.
- Shows badges earned for achievements.
- Offers a personalized greeting based on user profile information.
- Mathematics: Solve math problems to improve numeracy skills.
- German: Practice language exercises such as comprehension and grammar.
- Time-limited exams to test knowledge in a structured format.
- Ability to view past exam results or restart an exam.
- Dynamic calculation of grades and feedback.
Users can earn the following badges:
- Leonhard Euler: Earned by completing all math exercises correctly.
- Johann Goethe: Earned by completing all German exercises correctly.
- Albert Einstein: Earned by completing all exercises in the platform.
- Mathegenie: Earned by solving six or more math exercises correctly.
- Grammatik-Guru: Earned by solving six or more German exercises correctly.
- Synonymkenner: Earned by answering all synonym-related questions correctly.
- Prüfungssicher: Earned by achieving a grade of 4.0 or higher in the exam.
- Perfektionistisch: Earned by completing the user profile.
- Sammler: Earned by collecting five or more badges.
To set up the project, follow these steps:
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate to the project directory
cd learning-platform
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Create a .env file in the root directory and configure the following environment variables
# Start the development server
npm run dev
Under Transactional, go to Email > Settings. Add an SMTP relay. Under API key, you can generate a new API key (example title: “Courses book emails”). Copy the code for the .env file.
The project uses Supabase as the backend database. Below are the key tables:
Column Type Description id uuid Unique identifier for each record. user_id uuid References the user completing the exercise. exercise_type text Type of exercise (mathematik, deutsch, etc.). question_id text ID of the question. question text The question text. user_answer text User's submitted answer. is_correct boolean Indicates if the user's answer is correct. created_at timestamp Timestamp of when the answer was submitted.
Column Type Description id uuid Unique identifier for each badge. user_id uuid References the user earning the badge. badge_name text Name of the badge. earned_at timestamp Timestamp of when the badge was earned.
Column Type Description id uuid Unique identifier for the user. first_name text User's first name. last_name text User's last name. avatar_url text URL of the user's profile picture. phone text User's phone number.
You can create the relevant tables by entering a query:
CREATE TABLE public.profiles ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES auth.users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, first_name text, last_name text, phone text, avatar_url text );
CREATE TABLE public.user_exercises ( id UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, user_id UUID REFERENCES auth.users(id), exercise_type VARCHAR(255), question_id INT, question TEXT, user_answer TEXT, is_correct BOOLEAN, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW() );
CREATE TABLE public.user_badges ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_id UUID REFERENCES auth.users(id), badge_name TEXT NOT NULL, earned_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW() );
- Navigate to the "Übungen" section.
- Choose between Mathematics or German exercises.
- Start solving tasks and track your progress on the dashboard.
- Go to the "Prüfung" section.
- Start the exam with a one-hour timer.
- Submit answers and receive a grade along with feedback.
- Go to the "Dashboard" section.
- Check your earned badges and progress percentage.
Technologies Used
Next.js: React framework for building the UI. Supabase: Backend as a service for database and authentication. Tailwind CSS: For styling and responsive design. Tippy.js: For tooltips and interactive badge descriptions. React Circular Progressbar: For the progress display.
Future Enhancements
- Advanced Gamification: Add leaderboards and more badges.
- Dynamic Exercises: Generate tasks based on user performance.
- Improved Exam System: Allow exam resumption and analytics.
- Localization: Add support for multiple languages.
- OAuth: Integration of OAuth-Login possiblities like Google or Github
- Validation: A system that validates answers differently such as converts answers from 4 meters to numeric value 4, case sensitivity, or a tool like leveraging fuzzy.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Add your message here"
- Push to the branch:
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
- Open a Pull Request on GitHub.
Contact For any questions or feedback, please contact [[email protected]].