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Modules: Niri

github-actions[bot] edited this page Jan 30, 2025 · 1 revision

Niri modules

Add this to your ~/.config/niri/config.kdl to launch bar-rs on startup:

spawn-at-startup "bar-rs" "open"

bar-rs supports two modules for the Niri wayland compositor:

Niri window

Name: niri.window

This module shows the name or app_id of the currently focused window. A popup is also available.

You can override the default settings defined in Module Styling by setting them in this section: module:niri.window.

Option Description Data type Default
max_length the maximum character length of the title usize 25
show_app_id Show the app_id instead of the window title bool false

Popup configuration

You can override the default settings defined in Popup Styling by setting them in this section: module_popup:niri.window.

Option Description Data type Default
format the format of the popup text String Title: {{title}}\nApplication ID: {{app_id}}\nWindow ID: {{window_id}}\nWorkspace ID: {{workspace_id}}
format = {{title}}\n{{app_id}}

This supports:

  • title (The active window title)
  • app_id (The active window's application id)
  • window_id (The active window's id)
  • workspace_id (The id of the active workspace)

Niri workspaces

Name: niri.workspaces

This module shows the currently open workspaces and allows to change your workspace by clicking on a workspace icon.

You can override the default settings defined in Module Styling by setting them in this section: module:niri.workspaces.

Option Description Data type Default
icon_padding Padding for the icon, only useful with a background or border. Insets (float) 0
icon_background Background of the icons. Color None
icon_border_color Color of the border around the icons. Color /
icon_border_width Width of the border around the icons. float 1
icon_border_radius Radius of the border around the icons. Insets (float) 0
active_padding Padding for the active icon, only useful with a background or border. Insets (float) 0
active_size Size of the currently active icon. float 20
active_color the color for the currently focused workspace Color black
active_background the background color for the currently focused workspace Color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
active_border_color Color of the border around the active icon. Color /
active_border_width Width of the border around the active icon. float 1
active_border_radius Radius of the border around the active icon. Insets (float) 0
Output: n the name of the nth workspace on the given output (monitor) String /
output_order the order of the workspaces, depending on their output (monitor) Value list (String) /
fallback_icon the icon to use for unnamed workspaces String
active_fallback_icon the icon to use for unnamed workspaces when active String


Find some nice icons to use as workspace names here


spacing = 15
padding = 0 12 0 6
icon_margin = -2 0 0 0
icon_size = 25
active_size = 25
output_order = DP-1, HDMI-A-1
DP-1: 1 = 󰈹
DP-1: 2 = 
DP-1: 3 = 󰓓
DP-1: 4 = 
DP-1: 5 = 
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