This is my in-progress hyprland settup. They include an ags bar, a spotify theme using spicetify, and a starship config using kitty. This setup is still in development, and while in a usable state, is not perfect.
- Custom icons based on Microsoft Fluent UI System Icons
- Control panel similar to gnome
- Sleek animations
- Various useful tools such as screenshots, screensnips, and a color picker.
This is the state as of December 9th, 2024
Before you install, check that you have the following dependencies installed (and probably more that I forgot about):
- Wayland compositorags
- Widgets (top bar, etc.)wofi
- App launcherstarship
- Terminal configfish
- Shellspicetify
- Spotify customizationmonaspace
- Github Monaspace fontshyprlock
- Hyprland Lock screensddm
- Simple Desktop Display Manager (Login screen)brightnessctl
- A CLI for controling screen brightnesscliphist
- Wayland clipboard manager
To install, run the install script, or the following commands.
bash <(curl -s "")
Important: The following commands will overwrite any existing configs for hyprland, ags, wofi, starship, fish, and spicetify. Back up any configs you do not want to lose before installing.
git clone
cp -r ~/Frolic-dotfiles/.config/* ~/.config/
cp ~/Frolic-dotfiles/.local/bin/hyprland-flee-bravely ~/.local/bin/
cp -r ~/Frolic-dotfiles/.spicetify/ ~/
cp -r ~/Frolic-dotfiles/.icons ~/
Thanks to PoSayDone for the base ags widget.