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Tutorial Installation (old)

Daniel Marshall edited this page Nov 12, 2015 · 1 revision

#Step 2: Set Up Your Test Environment

  1. Create a local project folder with the tutorial files in it.

Go to the Github FamilySearch JavaScript SDK Tutorial project.

  • If you have the Git versioning system installed, clone the project as follows:

    • Get the "HTTPS Clone URL" and copy it into the follow command to run from a console prompt at the location you want your project folder to reside.

      git clone <http-tutorial-project-url>

      A project folder is created that contains all the files needed for you to complete the tutorial.

  • If you do not have Git installed, download a zip file of the project and extract the files into a project folder you create locally.

  1. For this tutorial you will access a node-static server to process the tutorial.html file commands. Enable the node-static server.
  • Open a console and move to the project folder you just created.
  • Run the following two commands at the console prompt:
npm install -g node-static

##(Proceed to Step 3 of the tutorial)



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