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Slack Deploy Pipeline Notifications

Post GitHub Action deploy workflow progress notifications to Slack.

Slack Deploy Pipeline Notifications example thread


  • Posts summary message at beginning of the deploy workflow, surfacing commit message and author
  • Maps GitHub commit author to Slack user by full name, mentioning them in the summary message
  • Threads intermediate stage completions, sending unexpected failures back to the channel
  • Adds summary message reaction to unsuccessful jobs (useful with Reacji Channeler)
  • Updates summary message duration at conclusion of the workflow
  • Supports pull_request, push, release, schedule, and workflow_dispatch event types


  1. Create a Slack App for your workspace
  2. Under OAuth & Permissions, add two Bot Token Scopes:
    1. chat:write to post messages
    2. chat:write.customize to customize messages with GitHub commit author
    3. reactions:write to add summary message error reactions
    4. users:read to map GitHub user to Slack user
  3. Install the app to your workspace
  4. Copy the app's Bot User OAuth Token from the OAuth & Permissions page
  5. Create a GitHub secret with this token, named SLACK_DEPLOY_BOT_TOKEN
  6. Invite the bot user into the Slack channel you will post messages to (/invite @bot_user_name)
  7. Click the Slack channel name in the header, and copy its Channel ID from the bottom of the dialog


name: Deploy

      - main

# 1. Configure environment variables
  SLACK_DEPLOY_CHANNEL: 'C040YVCUDRR' # required - replace with your Slack Channel ID
  SLACK_DEPLOY_ERROR_REACTION: 'x' # optional emoji name added as non-successful summary message reaction

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      slack_ts: ${{ steps.slack.outputs.ts }}
      # 2. Post summary message at the beginning of your workflow
      - name: Post to Slack
        uses: Fieldguide/action-slack-deploy-pipeline@v2
        id: slack

      - name: Deploy to staging
        run: sleep 10 # replace with your deploy steps

      # 3. Post threaded stage updates throughout
      - name: Post to Slack
        uses: Fieldguide/action-slack-deploy-pipeline@v2
        if: always()
          thread_ts: ${{ steps.slack.outputs.ts }}

      - staging
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Deploy to production
        run: sleep 5 # replace with your deploy steps

      # 4. Post last "conclusion" stage
      - name: Post to Slack
        uses: Fieldguide/action-slack-deploy-pipeline@v2
        if: always()
          thread_ts: ${{ needs.staging.outputs.slack_ts }}
          conclusion: true
  1. Configure required SLACK_DEPLOY_BOT_TOKEN and SLACK_DEPLOY_CHANNEL environment variables.
  2. Use this action at the beginning of your workflow to post a "Deploying" message in your configured channel.
  3. As your workflow progresses, use this action with the thread_ts input to post threaded replies.
  4. Denote the last step with the conclusion input to update the initial message's status.

Environment Variables

variable description
SLACK_DEPLOY_BOT_TOKEN Required Slack bot user OAuth token
SLACK_DEPLOY_CHANNEL Required Slack channel ID
SLACK_DEPLOY_ERROR_REACTION Optional Slack emoji name


input description
thread_ts Initial Slack message timestamp ID
conclusion true denotes last stage
github_token Repository GITHUB_TOKEN or personal access token secret; defaults to github.token
status The current status of the job; defaults to job.status


output description
ts Slack message timestamp ID