An experimental parser for scientific names using javacc.
Available from maven central as:
Development snapshots available from:
Include the jar (build instructions below) on your classpath, or add as a maven dependency then:
import org.filteredpush.nameparser.generated.NameParse
import org.filteredpush.nameparser.sciname.ScientificName
From the NameParse class you will want either the NameParse.parseToName(String scientificNameString) method which returns a ScientificName object for ease of handling, or NameParse.parseToMap(String scientificNameString) which returns a map of key value pairs, the keys of which may be unstable.
Example invocation:
ScientificName parsedName = NameParse.parseToName(String scientificNameString);
Generate sources using javacc (using the ph-javacc-maven-plugin, requires maven 3):
mvn process-resources
Build a jar file:
mvn clean process-resorces install
For debugging changes to the javacc file, it may be desirable to invoke javacc directly (and possibly also invoke javac directly):
javacc -OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=target/generated-sources/javacc/org/filteredpush/nameparser/generated/ src/main/javacc/nameparse.jj
javac -cp target/nameparser-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar -d target/classes/org/filteredpush/nameparser/generated/ target/generated-sources/javacc/org/filteredpush/nameparser/generated/*.java
java -jar target/nameparser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar < testnameset.txt
To deploy a snapshot to the snapshotRepository:
mvn clean deploy
To deploy a new release to maven central, set the version in pom.xml to a non-snapshot version, then deploy with the release profile (which adds package signing and deployment to release staging:
mvn clean deploy -P release
After this, you will need to login to the sonatype oss repository hosting nexus instance (, find the staged release in the staging repositories, and perform the release.