project of 42 school where it is necessary to create LEMP via docker-compose on localhost.
the linked docker network consists of several services like nginx with TLSv1.3 protocol, wordpress + php-fpm and mariaDB.
each service runs in a separate container with a custom dockerfile.
also services have volumes on the server for data safety.
before launching docker
and docker-compose
should be installed.
hostname, password and username for mysql you can find in the .env
to launch the project:
go to the site
to see starting wp page.
to check wp admin dashboard:
in wordpress database, there are two users, one of them is the administrator.
to check mysql:
enter mysql container to see existing users.
docker exec -it mariadb sh
mysql -h mariadb -u mteressa -p
use wordpress;
select * from wp_users;
to stop the project:
the next command will also delete all docker images, pay attention.
make fclean
sudo rm -rf ../../../mteressa