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Build Instructions

Flávio Freitas edited this page Sep 17, 2021 · 4 revisions

Build Instructions

The building process is not trivial, so I'll guide you through the process and prevent the major caveats.

  1. Download Visual Studio Community 2019.
  2. Install the C++ development packages.
  3. Pay attention to the checkboxes at the right, you don't need all of them and you can save a lot of disk space by unchecking some of them. I can't tell for sure which ones are expressly required, but most of them are unimportant.
  4. You may need to install the C++/CLI build tools support package from the individual components tab.
  5. When applying the installation, I recommend that you pick the option to download all at once, and then install all at once. It seems faster that way.
  6. Clone this repository to some folder of your preference. Visual Studio generally uses the path {user folder}/source/. You can clone it by download and unzipping from GitHub or by using some version control app (I particularly use Fork).
  7. Start Visual Studio 2019 and open the Project Solution.
  8. Now you must choose one of many paths, depending on the goals of your build. Your options are:
  • Debug: intended for developers, creates a larger executable but that allows developers to inspect code flow.
  • Release: intended for final use, creates a lightweight executable stripped from all unnecessary attachments.
  • x64: For 64-bit Windows users.
  • x86: For 32-bit Windows users.

Below, I list all possible executable directories:

Build Goal Folder
x64 Debug /x64/Debug
x64 Release /x64/Release
x32 Debug /Debug
x32 Release /Release
  1. Choose your build options and hit "Build >> Build Solution" (or Ctrl + Shift + B), the folder of your choice will be created and the build MAY FAIL at first, but the directory will be created. Even if the build does not fail, when you try to run ParsecSoda.exe it will crash. And that is because you need to copy some dependencies to the executable folder.

Please note the first build may take a minute to complete.

  1. Below I list all of the dependencies you need to copy to the build folder to get the app working properly. Copy all of them to the root of your build folder:
Dependency File Source What is it for?
Parsec SDK dll parsec.dll or parsec32.dll /Dependencies/parsecsdk/windows/ Prevents application from crashing, since everything related to Parsec SDK is built upon that dll. Copy parsec.dll if your system is x64. For 32 bits, copy parsec32.dll.
icons The icons folder /ParsecSoda/icons Without this, ParsecSoda displays no icons, every button and image becomes blank.
fonts The fonts folder /ParsecSoda/fonts Without this, all fonts and font sizes will be wrong, degrading user experience.
sfx The sound effects folder /ParsecSoda/sfx These are standard sound effects. Without this, the app may crash when a sfx is played (e.g.: when blocking or kicking an user).
  1. This is how your final build folder should look like:

  2. Now, build the project one more time just to be sure (Ctrl + Shift + B) and your executable should be good to go. Enjoy ParsecSoda.